IL-18 VEB Plastikart change to IL-20M ELINT
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1 15 September 2017, 10:17

Here, a model for children of another God and another epoque. The VEB model. Doric, austere and durable as plastic and also durable in our children souls brings emotion feelings when the modelling, and the shopping with our small pocket money (in drachmas) was a small celebration in our souls. Reminds me tears emotion feelings of my age as child. Look the zelatin for glasses and the pass of time on the paper and insignia. I believe to change it correct to IL-20M ELINT
15 September 2017, 10:20

Ahhh, Veb Plasticart models. I too remember those from when I was a kid 👍
15 September 2017, 11:26

I can not continue the job because the fuselage has two right pieces. Sorry guys.
17 September 2017, 20:44

Alexander the kit is very very old. It belongs to father of man who sales me. So the mistakes are forgivable. It 's a pitty because it is an interest kit but sometimes we cannot have all!!!!!
19 September 2017, 11:34
Album info
Here, a model for children of another God and another epoque. The VEB model. Doric, austere and durable as plastic and also durable in our children souls brings emotion feelings when the modelling, and the shopping with our small pocket money (in drachmas) was a small celebration in our souls. Reminds me tears emotion feelings of my age as child. Look the zelatin for glasses and the pass of time on the paper and insignia. I believe to change it correct to IL-20M ELINT