Minicraft UH-60L Blackhawk - WIP
2 November 2017, 01:25

Alright, off and running on my next project!
Little change of pace here, a bit more of a simple project, and only my second Helo. This is will be built completely out of box with Werner's Wings stencils since the kit decals were stuck to the plastic bag and mostly useless. Good thing the IP decals were on the part of the decals that were not destroyed.
This project has a special meaning, it is for my buddy. His fiancee is a former Blackhawk pilot for the South Carolina National Guard, and he wants to give it to her for her birthday, which is coming up in December. So because of the quickly looming deadline and the fact it is something I am not as familiar with building (a helo), this will be just OOB.
2 November 2017, 01:36

Haha, yep, changing gears here a bit. The first of two (GASP, two!) helos in a row. After this one I will be building a Hasegawa Apache.
2 November 2017, 01:38

Thanks Donald and welcome Spanjaard, Erik, Bryn, James, and Konrad!
Ok, slow progress on this as it is really not the greatest kit and I have been very busy of late. I have built quite a few modern and very nice kits in a row, so this is a step back in terms of kit quality. Biggest issue I have encountered so far is the clear pieces for the front door. They are simply just too small. I posted a pic to show what I mean. So after seeing some pics that have that glass removed I decided to just not install those clear pieces.
Anyway, I am going to be traveling to Indonesia Thursday and will be gone nearly two weeks, so there will be no updates for awhile. But once I get back, I will have to really get busy as I need to have this completed by December 9th to meet the deadline of getting this to my buddy in time for his fiance's birthday.
8 November 2017, 05:31

I have noticed the mini craft kits leave a bit to be desired.
9 November 2017, 01:30

Welcome guys! Yes, I am going to pick this up again. Still struggling to get back to the bench, but I will get back at it soon. Stay tuned!
8 February 2018, 03:28

hello Michael, nice project your Blackhawk, 🙂
I'll stay tuned because I have to a number greater than model
8 February 2018, 03:35

Nice choice Michael.
I'm in and watching, perhaps i get some ideas for my Blackhawks.
8 February 2018, 14:54

Well, I am finally back with my first update in more than three months! Easing myself back in to the saddle, doing a little each of the last four nights. Tonight I put down the first primer on the windscreen. The frame lines on the clear plastic are sooooooooooooo faint I decided not to mask it all at once, but do do a series of straight and slightly curved lines using both regular Tamiya tape and tape for curves. It might take a little longer than usual, but with what I have to work with it will look better in the end. I just have to be careful when painting and masking that area going forward.
It's good to be back!
14 February 2018, 04:43

Thanks everyone!
Got primer on her over the weekend, so that is some decent progress. Next up will be some preshading and then the basecoat of Helo Drab.
19 February 2018, 05:21

Thanks guys! I will be working on the rotors and other details next. Then decals... then weathering... then finish line, and on to my next project. 🙂
21 February 2018, 18:57

I have tis kit also, and have the Cobra Company super detail set. But you have to cut the nose off, to install the resin nose. That makes me very worried.
22 February 2018, 18:49

Thanks Konrad, Clifford, ice, Maciej, and Andy!
Clifford, you are one of the lucky ones to get that set! I can only hope that Lonestar Models will start casting the Cobra Company line again. But anyway, I would't sweat cutting the nose too bad Clifford. I would use a Dremel and cut the nose off while the fuselage halves are still not joined, using a dremel to cut close, but not quite to where you need to cut, leaving extra plastic on the fuselage side. Then sand the rest of the way to wherever the resin to plastic join would be.
26 February 2018, 04:25

Anyway, on my project this weekend I got some more painting and assembly done, as well as half of the stencil decals on. There are a deceptively large amount of stencils on this thing! I think there are like 170+ total when I am done.
26 February 2018, 04:27

Michael. I have just created an album of all the Blackhawk photos I took at the Oakey air base in Queensland some time back. All in 'close up' for all the detail you will want. Sikorsky "Black Hawk' in close up. | Album by RedRoo
26 February 2018, 21:35

I hope lonestar starts molding Cobra Co's stuff also,as I am in dire need of some parts for my 1/35 CH-47 Chinook.
28 February 2018, 01:30

Aaaaaaaalmost done with this one. Just gotta assemble and attach the main rotor. This is not my best work, but it has fought me pretty hard. I am really ready to move on to the next project. Should finish this up within the next couple of days.
5 March 2018, 03:12