Tigercat over Korea, the first Tomcat
Photo 1 of 25
1 16 May 2018, 13:19

And with the help of 75g of lead it is NOT a tail sitter.. thanks gentlemen!
16 May 2018, 21:45

HAHAHA, I was thinking that you must've used a shitload of depleted uranium or something...
I've got the same kit and is a bit curious, is it all in the nose or have you put it in the nacelles and extra tanks as well? And how is the gear holding up?
17 May 2018, 00:33

It's the kits gear, not the shitty soft metal replacement there is on the market. I have put 5 grams of lead in main landing gear well close to the engines. 5 g just behind the bulkhead of the cockpit behind the seat. There is just a little bit of Uschi's lead 0,5g in the tips of the fuel tanks. And the rest is in the nose. The gear is fragile but I made absolutely sure the lead is equally divided left and right and on the centreline to prevent any main gear collapse or unequal forces. I am positive that the flat part of the lovely Royale Resin wheels helps in balancing as well.
17 May 2018, 07:24

A bit as I thought then. The resin engines helps as well with the weight.
17 May 2018, 15:13