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Chang-Young Park (Chang-Young)



17 17 November 2019, 00:54
Zach Wilson
fantastic build
 17 November 2019, 04:32
Chang-Young Park kirjailija
Thank you Zach.
 17 November 2019, 08:29
I really like the tank and its weathering and the crew. I am a bit more dubious about the treatment of the tarps on the back. They look a little 'unreal' to me.
 17 November 2019, 09:19
Guy Rump
Great build, detail is excellent 🙂
 17 November 2019, 09:22
I agree with Zach, Olivier and Guy.
 17 November 2019, 10:24
Fantastic 👍
 17 November 2019, 10:41
Thomas K.
looks good👍
 17 November 2019, 13:21
Andreas Koziol
Love it! 👍
 17 November 2019, 14:15
 17 November 2019, 20:22
Chang-Young Park kirjailija
Thanks all
 19 November 2019, 12:55
Erik Off
Wonderfull! As with your T-34, i love the light an shadow. Also on the tarps.
 22 November 2019, 08:59
Los Kelly
Very nice
 22 November 2019, 10:03
Chang-Young Park kirjailija
Thanks Erik and Los
 22 November 2019, 11:46
Maik Berlin
That's superb paintwork! I really like it. Very nice Centaur!
 22 November 2019, 12:52
Chris Perkin
Fantastic pieces of work.
 31 May 2023, 08:26
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
 31 May 2023, 08:32

Project info

7 kuvien
1:35 Centaur C.S. Mk.IV (Tamiya 35232)1:35 Cromwell tank tracks (HobbyBoss 81004)1:35 Stowage set for Cromwell Mk.IV (Panzer Art RE35-469)
Centaur C.S Mk.IV
GB British Army (1660-now)
RMASG, 1 Arm. Support Reg., 2 Battery, H Troop T185363 Hunter
kesäkuu 1944 World War 2»Operation Overlord»D-Day - Normandy FR
S.C.C. № 2 Brown (approx FS20095)

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