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Michael Hickey (mikestomcat)

F-4 EJ KAI SUPER Phantom II Misawa


2 26 December 2019, 14:15
Stephan Ryll
Ah a „Rhino" is comming to life😉 I'll take a seat 🙂
 26 December 2019, 14:21
Michael Hickey kirjailija
Welcome Stephan.🙂
 26 December 2019, 14:32
Bryn Crandell
Great start. Watching.
 26 December 2019, 15:52
Michael Hickey kirjailija
Thanks Bryn.
 26 December 2019, 16:28
Am in, another rhino
 26 December 2019, 18:10
Michael Hickey kirjailija
Thanks everybody, and Lode you are correct I scratchbuilt the strips along the radome, I was going to make a mold of the aftermarket F-4EJ Kai nose that I have but I really couldn't be bothered maybe for the next Kai I will as the strips that I've put on are over sized, they should be much slimmer but that is the smallest strip Evergreen makes so it will have to do.🙂 I did cast the air intakes and the nozzles as well as the pit.😢
 26 December 2019, 23:48
Michael Hickey kirjailija
Hi Lode, I used MEK, it's like Tamiya Liquid Glue but dries quicker.
 27 December 2019, 02:14
Michael Hickey kirjailija
Got the main colour on now as well as the undercarriage, more pics when I get the radome painted and the second camo colour.🙂
 27 December 2019, 05:23
Michael Hickey kirjailija
Started putting on all the decals for this epic job.
 31 December 2019, 10:03
Jos Jansen
Missed this F-4...Iam in mate!
 31 December 2019, 10:29
Michael Hickey kirjailija
Welcome aboard Jos.
 31 December 2019, 11:00
Holger Kranich
Hey Mike, you are really quick!
 31 December 2019, 11:38
Michael Hickey kirjailija
So far, but I think that will change now I have to put on all the stencils decals.😢
 31 December 2019, 20:20
Michael Hickey kirjailija
The decals on this project were not the best, plus the kit decals were printed in 1994 and as such all the stencils aren't on but I did manage to get some on. I'm sure glad this is off my bench and in my cabinet now.😢
 7 January 2020, 15:26
Michael Hickey kirjailija
Thanks Hans, this one nearly got the better of me.
 7 January 2020, 15:35
Michael Hickey kirjailija
Thanks Lode, yeah I have few decal schemes like this in the stash, I've also got the red white and blue German F-4E with the white horse running down the side of the fuselage, maybe one day I'll do her as well.
 8 January 2020, 00:06

Album info

This Phantom II will be done in the markings of "JASDF Pre 50th Anniversary. 8th Squadron, Misawa Air Base, 2003.

17 kuvien
1:48 Misawa (Zotz Decals ZTZ48023)1:48 F-4 Phantom II - Seamless Intakes (DMold Modelworks DM48004)1:48 F-4C/D/E/F/G wheels (Eduard 648012)2+

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