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Łukasz Bąk (Stojkovic)

SS-1c "Scud B" w/Maz-543 TEL

Photo 1 of 243


46 27 December 2019, 21:52
I hope to build the Trumpeter scud kit in 1:35 scale one day, but I think I will want to keep the doors closed, to hide the (probably) lack of thickness to the doors. The not-to-be-seen-anywhere Meng kit of the scud vehicle, apparently have the proper door thickness.
 9 January 2020, 12:47
Nathan Dempsey
Interesting project. Nice detail pics!
 9 January 2020, 22:32
Łukasz Bąk kirjailija
I have Dragon nightmare Scud kit, but I will proceed and complete the build. Even now I can see how badly the cab elements are fitted...
 10 January 2020, 19:02
Looking forwards to seeing more of of this. 🙂 I recently acquired the Trumpter kit and I was happy to see that the doors in the kit, appear to have some depth to them, I had no idea if the doors would be thin or thick.

I don't feel good about some intricate camo scheme, so I think I might go for a general sand color for Libya or maybe Iraq, or the Russian overall green.

A weird thing on the Trumpter kit, is the stencils/decals for the Scud missile. The decals are afaik white, or light in color, making me wonder if that have to go wrong if painting the Scud missile white. I don't see any optional dark decals for the missile in my Trumpeter kit.

Would be nice with the white rings on the wheels imo, though I am not sure why those are white. Maybe "parade" painting scheme?
 16 March 2020, 10:28
Bryn Crandell
Interesting subject being Russian. Love the awkwardness that Russian vehicles appear to have. Have a fascination for them. Your detail work so far is amazing. Keep going with it and problems will be overcome.
 24 March 2020, 13:37
Łukasz Bąk kirjailija
Thanks Bryn. I will do everything I can to build a good model.
 24 March 2020, 17:07
Sergej I
Love the shoebox add-on, but should have been Adidas, for real gopniks 🙂
 5 May 2020, 20:46
Łukasz Bąk kirjailija
Do not worry, there will be more add-ons soon!
 6 May 2020, 05:54
Like all the little details so far as well as the realistic weathering of the interior - already has the appearance of a heaviliy used vehicle. 👍 Following with interest.
 13 November 2020, 20:51
Marc Le Bayon
I follow it too
White or steel Scuds are for dummies.
Scuds with warheads are always green
 19 November 2020, 21:58
Dominik Weitzer
wow. impressing work.
 16 December 2020, 13:48
Want to see more of this. 🙂
 17 December 2020, 21:58
I find the subtle weathering fascinating. I like it a lot.
 8 January 2021, 14:54
Rui S
Beautiful model 👍
 9 January 2021, 15:25
James C
Fantastic looking build of what I understand is a troublesome kit. 👍
 9 January 2021, 16:51
Håkan Wuopio
Wonderful build of fearsome weapon. Similar interior color as some russian cockpits.
 9 January 2021, 17:54
Łukasz Bąk kirjailija
Thanks guys for kind words. This kit was real test for patience. Hopefuly it turned out well I suppose.
 9 January 2021, 19:13
Looks perfect.👍👍👍
 18 March 2021, 09:56
looking awesome
 18 March 2021, 11:13
Nathan Dempsey
Great build of a difficult kit.
 18 March 2021, 11:41
Sandré Lima
this assembly was incredible... it ended up being inspired, I bought the same kit to try to do something close to what you did... but it will be difficult, there is a lack of skill here... but as we speak here in Brazil: Faith in God, that in the end everything will be all right... how long did you take on this construction (base + kit)?
 23 October 2021, 09:22
Łukasz Bąk kirjailija
Sandre do not give up!
My complete assembly took about 18 mounths. The kit is very poor quality, but having it done you join the invincible modellers club 🙂
 23 October 2021, 15:15

Project info

243 kuvien
1:35 SS-1c SCUD B with MAZ-543 TEL (Dragon 3520)1:35 SCUD B exterior (Eduard 35539)1:35 SCUD B interior (Eduard 35540)6+

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