Locheed X-27 (CL-1200) Lancer; CAF Tiger Meet c. 1980 (fictional)
15 3 July 2020, 21:06

Lockheed X-27 Lancer now complete. I chose to do it in a fictitious 'Tiger Meet 1980' scheme. The X-27 Lancer lost out to the F-5E Tiger II, and YF-17/F-18 Hornet for the Lightweight Fighter competition which was designed for the U.S. Export market. Had the X-27 been successful, Canada would likely have purchased some of these, since we were already using the F-104 Starfighter.
3 July 2020, 21:17

What's this kit like Dave? I've been looking at getting one for a while now.
2 August 2020, 15:46

Pretty good, actually. Minor fit issue with the wing (it sits a little high at the back), but a little bit of judicious sanding of the fuselage wing box, and I was able to get the wing to fit flush with the fuselage. Other than that, pretty straight forward. It also fills a gap in my X-Planes collection.
3 August 2020, 14:40

Thanks. It certainly looks pretty good. A pity they didn't give a selection of Sparrows and Sidewinders for it, but I suppose if you've got some odds and ends from an F-104G that would set you on your way.
5 August 2020, 13:47

I have a ton of 1:72 spare ordnance. I just decided to build it clean.
6 August 2020, 05:14

How have I missed this?! A B S O L U T E L Y A W E S O M E ! ! !
2 December 2021, 13:53