Revell 70's Custom Van
Photo 1 of 14
8 1 August 2020, 20:30

I have not had the chance to take proper pictures with a backdrop.
1 August 2020, 21:44

Who cares bout a back drop when the subject looks that good????? Brilliant job mate & the epitome of a 70's Chevy G20, perfect use of decals too 👍
1 August 2020, 22:01

Way to go Jimmy, you've got that 70's vibe spot on. That interior looks great. Was it built out the box ?
3 August 2020, 14:04

Nigel, Yes out of box. Only "mod" would be the orange flocking carpet. = ) Overall the kit was better quality than I originally thought. Fit and finish was good except for the 2-piece tires which I think are ridiculous. The decals were very thick and hard to work with.
3 August 2020, 18:41

Jimmy I think I had that kit in a different guise some time back as the Charlie's Angels van, the lift off roof shows the same shape bed too.
I never built it so I can't comment on it but the friend who had it from me built it beautifully.
It looked good in the box, lovely flares & excellent proportions 👍
3 August 2020, 18:51

Looks Awesome ! If Munkey had a Charlie's Angels one, we all know why you had it ! WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE, SAY NO MORE !
3 August 2020, 19:17

I've tried to buy the The Revell van but prices are way too high. The AMT vans are good And come in short and long wheel based versions but have no lift off roof.
4 August 2020, 09:04

I looked on eBay Nigel, those bloody Revell Chevy vans are regularly fetching a 100 quid!
4 August 2020, 10:47

No idea why but the Revell vans tend to hold their price. The first vans I bought 6 plus years ago were around £20. They are Now anything between £30 - 150
4 August 2020, 22:13

Oh yes, this is very cool. can't remeber, ever one saw built. Well done! like it!
10 September 2020, 06:32