1/72 | Su-57 | WIP
28 24 August 2020, 13:12

Taking a seat. Built the earlier T-50 prototype version, was certainly a nice kit overall - but yeah, engine intakes seem to be a general problem among Flankers..
But nice work so far! 👍
24 August 2020, 22:30

Thanks guys, really enjoying this build. It's coming together quite quickly.
26 August 2020, 13:50

Bad news fellas. The project is on hold until I can get some replacement decals. I tried to apply the large upper stencils with the stars and it accidentally ripped and folded in on itself. Fortunately Begemot sell a set but it'll take time to get here from Russia.
27 August 2020, 20:47

Nicely done details (wherever the kit actually offers some😉 ) and a really great looking Minecraft camo 👍
24 September 2020, 06:15

Great job, many congrats.
Only one clarification, the front landing gear mudguard, must be mounted behind the wheels.
In any case, it remains a beautiful model.
13 October 2022, 14:11

@Felice De Leo
Thanks for letting me know. I actually plan to re-do this model with this scheme at some point so I will remember that for next time.
13 October 2022, 18:24

Hi Yes Man, I will use your article as tutorial for my painting job!
Happy modelling!
14 October 2022, 10:09
Album info
Zvezda's Su-57 with a few bits of aftermarket (and masks because I'm lazy). I'm not too interested in the latest gen fighters but the Su-57 has always intrigued me with its smooth lines.