Russian T-72M1

Nicely done mate!👍 The defender of freedom against the decadent westerners 😄

very nice build, I like the image that gives the view from the top

Ah, the embodiment of the "Strength in numbers" Warsaw Pact doctrine! 🙂
I do like your planes, but one must admit you have a natural eye & way for dealing with the job of making a tank look beautifully realistic without going all overboard with techniques & contrasts. Truly well done, once again! 👍

@ Carlos, Nathan, Sebastian, Danumurthi, Bob, Jos, Neuling and Slavo... Cheers for your feedback guys, very much appreciated as always. 🙂
After the false start with the older Zvezda (ex Dragon) kit, this Tamiya T-72 was a nice compromise.
Paint used was a combination of Mission models acrylic MMP-031 for the green base coat and Tamiya rubber black XF-85 for the rubber panels. Hi-lites were done with assorted MiG oil brushers, and Tamiya weathering pastels.

Oh yeh. This is a Beautiful build and weathering. Very well done all arround 👍

Thanks Rui, glad you like it 🙂
Just a correction to my last... the green used was MMP-032 "Russian Green Modern"
Album info
Another simple, but very enjoyable build straight "out of the box".
No issues encountered during assembly, and even the rubber tracks looked ok as well, so I used them rather than going to the expense of sourcing replacements.
A couple of nice additions worth mentioning is that Tamiya provided some photo etch for the main engine grills, and an additional sheet of plastic mesh for the (air intake?) grills further back. Also included are hoses to attach to the external fuel tanks which I thought was a nice touch.
My only (minor) gripe I have with the kit is that the barrel is fixed in position and at a relatively flat and low level position, where as I normally like to pose my tanks with the barrel slightly elevated... and if only to clear the external fuel tanks on the rear if facing the turret backwards.
Otherwise, In short... a nice and simple kit that's well worth a look
Completed 26th August 2020