Tamiya 1/35 Chieftain Mk5
18 17 February 2021, 11:23

A quick little project on the side whilst building the FV432 Mk1. A nice fun kit to build. Built OOB other than the netting, wire antennas and a few items of stowage.
17 February 2021, 11:28

Nice job with the netting on the barrel. One of my few 'Done' kits. Gave me the hate for vinyl tracks :rollseyes
17 February 2021, 12:00

Thank you Mark, playtime & Neil. I'm not a fan of vinyl tracks myself but these weren't too bad.
I think the kit was moulded in 1975. Maybe not as good as the RFM @ Takom kits but was a fun build.
18 February 2021, 10:06

Nicely done! I built this kit once, when the original was still in service.
18 February 2021, 11:18

Cheers Frank, I must do one of the newer Chieftain kits that are out there
19 February 2021, 10:47

Thank you James. The netting is by AK Interactive. It's good stuff
20 February 2021, 07:44

Just discovered your very nice built of a Mk.5. Even the vinyl tracks look great. Like british cold war stuff.
31 January 2022, 16:33

Nice one.Only comment to make is you must do a FV432 Fitter to follow behind it with a spare engine.LOL.
31 January 2022, 17:44

Thank you Fritz01 & David. Appreciate the kind words. I do intend to try and build every version of the FV432 available. I've completed a MK1, Mk2 with Mortar, Mk2 with Rarden and both Tacom's Bulldogs options with added armour. I recently started another Mk2 with ambulance conversion set.
8 February 2022, 16:28

Yes they are David. I've 3 of the standard Takom FV432 in my stash picked up from various sites over the covid lockdowns. Still on the look out for another 2 at least.
9 February 2022, 10:07