A6M5 Zero - Marianas Turkey Shoot
Photo 1 of 29
54 27 February 2021, 03:04

Looking excellent Jim. Do the dials and instruments come as decals with the kit. They look really neat.
27 February 2021, 07:00

Thanks Gary. Yes, the IP dials come as three separate decals. Tamiya did a nice job here.
2 March 2021, 00:16

Very nice progress & excellent weathering on the cockpit Jim ! 👍 ...you picked a great kit for this project 😉
3 March 2021, 03:57

Thanks Todd, Thomas, Erik and Ali for the encouraging comments. The build is now complete with no issues to speak of -- just the normal cleanup. Main painting is also complete. Primed with Mr. Finishing surfacer. Underside is Tamiya AS-2 IJN light gray and topside is AS-21 IJN dark green 2, both decanted from the rattle cans. Shading and fading was applied before a thin application of the final color to blend. The aotake landing gear and flap bays really stand out. Gloss coat with Tamiya X-22 and ready for decals.
9 March 2021, 02:52

Love the cockpit, and the paintjob is progressing nicely! 👍 Also grabbing a seat. 🙂
9 March 2021, 06:56

Thanks for the nice comments Erik, Nathan and Roland! Much appreciated.
12 March 2021, 23:35

The A6M5 Zero is now complete. This machine has a real menacing look to it. I'm happy with the build but I think the kit decals are too thick. I'm thinking aftermarket decals or masks would have been better. Thanks for looking.
15 March 2021, 01:16

Great show, a dream pit & the photos on the deck look better in practical effect than many CG-heavy modern Hollywood productions 👍
15 March 2021, 11:49

Very good jim👍
The paintwork is gorgeous and looks gery alive and authentic !
Beautiful Red on green and great presentation!
15 March 2021, 12:55
Album info
652 Air Group, Aicraft Carrier Junyo (Flagship of Carrier Div. 2)