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Hoss WA
Jim J (Hoss WA)

A6M5 Zero - Marianas Turkey Shoot

Photo 1 of 29


54 27 February 2021, 03:04
Gary Kitchen
Looking excellent Jim. Do the dials and instruments come as decals with the kit. They look really neat.
 27 February 2021, 07:00
Jim J kirjailija
Thanks Gary. Yes, the IP dials come as three separate decals. Tamiya did a nice job here.
 2 March 2021, 00:16
Nathan Dempsey
Nice 🙂 Can't wait to see what you do with this kit.
 2 March 2021, 00:57
Guillaume Blanchet
WOW! that's nice wheatering.
 2 March 2021, 02:22
Rui S
Looking great I'm in 👍
 2 March 2021, 23:22
Sebastian Meyner
Very nice progress & excellent weathering on the cockpit Jim ! 👍 ...you picked a great kit for this project 😉
 3 March 2021, 03:57
James C
Impressive looking cockpit Jim👍
 3 March 2021, 07:54
Sergej I
awesome, following 👍
 3 March 2021, 14:55
Jim J kirjailija
Thanks all for the comments. Much appreciated.
 6 March 2021, 02:42
Todd Kuran
Looking great.
 6 March 2021, 04:34
Thomas Bischoff
Cockpit looks great! Love the used but not overdone look 👍
 6 March 2021, 08:49
Erik Leijdens
Amazing cockpit details Jim'
 6 March 2021, 08:51
Ali Yulianto
Very nice, let me grab a seat
 6 March 2021, 09:20
Jim J kirjailija
Thanks Todd, Thomas, Erik and Ali for the encouraging comments. The build is now complete with no issues to speak of -- just the normal cleanup. Main painting is also complete. Primed with Mr. Finishing surfacer. Underside is Tamiya AS-2 IJN light gray and topside is AS-21 IJN dark green 2, both decanted from the rattle cans. Shading and fading was applied before a thin application of the final color to blend. The aotake landing gear and flap bays really stand out. Gloss coat with Tamiya X-22 and ready for decals.
 9 March 2021, 02:52
Todd Kuran
Looking good, can't wait to see her roll out from the hanger!!!
 9 March 2021, 04:27
Jan Peters
Nice paintjob, this is going to be a showstopper
 9 March 2021, 05:56
Björn Svedberg
Love the cockpit, and the paintjob is progressing nicely! 👍 Also grabbing a seat. 🙂
 9 March 2021, 06:56
Jim J kirjailija
Thanks all for the comments Much appreciated.
 10 March 2021, 00:39
Erik Leijdens
Fantastic paint job Jim!!
 10 March 2021, 06:43
Nathan Dempsey
A weathering dream come true 🙂
 10 March 2021, 15:30
Jim J kirjailija
Thanks for the nice comments Erik, Nathan and Roland! Much appreciated.
 12 March 2021, 23:35
Rui S
Beautiful model, excellent execution and great photos too 👍
 15 March 2021, 01:12
Jim J kirjailija
The A6M5 Zero is now complete. This machine has a real menacing look to it. I'm happy with the build but I think the kit decals are too thick. I'm thinking aftermarket decals or masks would have been better. Thanks for looking.
 15 March 2021, 01:16
Nathan Dempsey
Always great work Jim. I really like pic #13.
 15 March 2021, 01:31
James C
Another stunning looking build Jim👍
 15 March 2021, 02:04
Todd Kuran
Wonderful job!
 15 March 2021, 04:54
Gary Kitchen
Great build, great photos Jim. 👍
 15 March 2021, 05:17
John E
 15 March 2021, 05:52
Bernhard Schrock
Good work.
 15 March 2021, 06:04
Sebastian Meyner
Great finish Jim 👍
 15 March 2021, 08:02
Jan Peters
Superb zero, congratulations.
 15 March 2021, 08:15
Thomas Bischoff
 15 March 2021, 10:34
Agustin Prellezo
Lovely photos!
 15 March 2021, 10:44
Build and photos are first class. 👍👍👍
 15 March 2021, 11:07
Guillaume Blanchet
Wonderfull !!
 15 March 2021, 11:36
Slavo Hazucha
Great show, a dream pit & the photos on the deck look better in practical effect than many CG-heavy modern Hollywood productions 👍
 15 March 2021, 11:49
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Beautiful bird and beautiful pictures 👍
 15 March 2021, 11:52
Daniel Klink
Very good jim👍
The paintwork is gorgeous and looks gery alive and authentic !
Beautiful Red on green and great presentation!
 15 March 2021, 12:55
Daniel Klink
The decals that comes in japanese kits are often a bit too thick?
 15 March 2021, 12:56
Sergej I
 15 March 2021, 14:11
 15 March 2021, 15:53
Ahmet Eren İspir
wow, impressive
 15 March 2021, 16:45
Jim J kirjailija
Thanks mates for all the kind comments. Very much appreciated.
 15 March 2021, 23:13
Villiers de Vos
Great result. Your amount of weathering is perfect.
 25 March 2021, 04:00
Jim J kirjailija
Thanks Villers. Much appreciated.
 10 October 2021, 23:17
Great work and nice pics!
 11 October 2021, 02:36

Album info

652 Air Group, Aicraft Carrier Junyo (Flagship of Carrier Div. 2)

29 kuvien
1:48 Mitsubishi A6M5/5a Zero Fighter (Zeke) (Tamiya 61103)1:48 Mitsubishi A6M Zero Fighter (Tamiya 12624)
Mitsubishi A6M5 Zero Model 52
JP 日本帝國海軍航空隊 (Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service 1912-1945)
652 Air Group, Aicraft Carrier Junyo (Flagship of Carrier Div. 2) 320-85/3
kesäkuu 1944 Marianas Turkey Shoot - Mariana Sea MP
IJN Dk Green, IJN Lt grey

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