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Kinetic F/A-18A+/B / CF-188 - Build

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35 18 April 2021, 10:30
Nice subject! ?
Typical kinetic kit but its the best we've got for the legacy hornet?‍♂️. There are some workarounds to be found in forums, e.g. internal spacers/sidewalls for the rear part.
 8 May 2021, 17:32
Also taking a seat, looks quite good so far, like the detail paintwork in the landing gear area as well as in the cockpit. 👍
 18 June 2021, 22:09
Schnemat kirjailija
a bit of progress here, everything is now painted (even though i think i didn't hit the color tone very good, hopefully weathering improves that...) and there is one correction needed as the paint peeled in one spot.
 18 August 2021, 10:11
Clifford Keesler
Looking good.
 29 September 2021, 00:47
Jos Jansen
Nice progress Schnemat...!
 29 September 2021, 13:26
Eric Thornton
Oh 410 Cougars training squadron. Same one I want to build. Looking great!
 15 October 2021, 07:58
Schnemat kirjailija
I like double-seaters, so that was the one to go with the kinetic kit 😉
 15 October 2021, 09:56
Great work Schnemat, really like the outcome so far! 👍
As to your question about the pod, I think it goes on the left side fuselage anchoring normally reserved for the air-to-air missiles - at least this is the case for the Rhino Hornet.
 23 October 2021, 01:10
 23 October 2021, 10:54
Pic 32 shows you're already using the correct pod in the correct position 👍
(pic 31 shows the litening pods that preferably goes centerline position on most non-navy hornets - but also not used by RCAF)
a great looking hornet, I really like the typical streaks behind the slats, looking forward to the big rollout! 👍
 23 October 2021, 13:00
Schnemat kirjailija
Thank you for all your nice comments! I hope the canopy is not going to ruin the whole model...
 23 October 2021, 14:55
Gorgeous - but makes me worry about that Kinetic F-18 waiting to be assembled!
 1 March 2024, 18:10
Clifford Keesler
Very nice Hornet.
 1 March 2024, 23:39
Guy Rump
Very impressive! 👍
 2 March 2024, 00:10

Project info

53 kuvien
1:48 F/A-18A+/B/CF-188 (Kinetic K48030)1:48 F/A-18B (Eduard BIG49201)

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