USS Elmer Montgomery FF-1082 (AFV 1/700 Knox Class)

You and me both, Bjorn..... The heaving waves, the salty spray..... it is very real indeed. Brilliant work, Marcello 🙂

Thanks to all who commented here. It means a lot to me that you liked my model, in this web site where so many outstanding work is presented!
Album info
This is the AFV Club 1/700 kit of the Knox class frigates. the kit comes with 6 options of markings, but I chose to represent USS Elmer Montgomery (FF-1082) because it served in the Atlantic. The Knox class frigates were frequent visitors of my home city of Rio de Janeiro, and on a few occasions I had the privilege of coming on board. I have fond memories of these ships designed for the tough job of escorting transatlantic convoys against swarms of soviet submarines, in case the Cold War turned hot.
I intended to build this using the Flagship Models photoetch set, but ended up not using most of it, given that the parts were oversized (probably closer to 1/600 or 1/550). The railing is generic (Big Blue Boy 1/700 modern USN), and other parts were scratch-built (e.g. details of the masts). The decals in the kit were a bit all over the place, some oversized (e.g. the ship's name on the stern) and some undersized (e.g. the red cycles around the ASROC and CIWS), so a few had to be home-printed. The rigging was done using human hair.
For a build report, and more photos, check
The seascape base was inspired by photos of FF-1082 off Norway in 1988, when the sea got a bit heavy (see [img1]).