1:72 Grumman OV-1A Mohawk -ClearProp-
Photo 1 of 19
47 1 September 2021, 16:27

Looks great, I wish mine ended up as good as this one. I though at first it was 1/48
1 September 2021, 16:50

Very well done 👍 This seems to be an excellent kit. Looking forward to get my hands on one of them. By the way, what is a out the Bird Dog in picture #18? Also a new ClearProb kit, or is it the old Airfix?
1 September 2021, 17:46

to Christian: Bird Dog - is old Airfix model. Look more pic about in my albums
1 September 2021, 18:40

This could easily be recognized as quarterscale, superb work !
1 September 2021, 18:42

Great job !
How is the fit in this model ? Any problem on the construction ?
2 September 2021, 09:51

to Pierre-Christian Baudru: I wrote a collection review for this model. See the tab on the manufacturer's model page
2 September 2021, 15:17

to Max, I went there and it only opens photos of your model, theres no link to a review
11 February 2022, 16:36

Klasse Ding !!! Much better than the old Hasegawa kit , that I made one year ago : modellversium.de/galerie/artikel.php?id=15007
12 February 2022, 10:44

To Tim: I wrote review on Greenmats.club site. You can see a link on main kit's page. But Russian, sorry...
12 February 2022, 11:16
Album info
Test pre-production model assembly Grumman JOV-1A for -ClearProp- manufacturer