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Deep freeze

Photo 1 of 13


50 7 January 2022, 09:45
Great work! Idea and implementation! I like this one very much!
 7 January 2022, 10:37
Brandon H
Awesome dio!
 7 January 2022, 12:05
Hajo Lippke
Very nice! I love how you did the mist inside the cockpit-windows! But I would recommend closing the door of the house, or it will be veeeery cold inside soon! 😉
 7 January 2022, 13:23
Such a genuine atmosphere! I love it!
 7 January 2022, 14:07
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Wow! This is simply beautiful, I love it.
And big thumbs up for the penguin inspecting the nose art of the chopper.👍 😄

How did you to the snow? It looks very convincing.
 7 January 2022, 14:33
Dietmar Bogatzki
Great idea and implementation. Eyecandy 👍
 7 January 2022, 16:06
Finn kirjailija
Thank you so much, really kind of you
 7 January 2022, 21:52
Simon Nagorsnik
That's s really cool dio👍
I get cold just looking at it🥶
great idea and really well implemented!
 7 January 2022, 22:07
Finn kirjailija
Snow is a mix of a base of Amsterdam modeling paste, sprinkeled with Green Stuff World Snow flock and some white Vallejo pigments. On the tractor I also used some Citadel Valhallan Blizzard. The H-34 was airbrushed with mall vanish and a Vallejo white wash.

And you are right about the door...

Thank you all for your kind comments!
 8 January 2022, 08:00
Guy Rump
Great dio and modelling. 👍
 8 January 2022, 08:29
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Thank you very much, Finn.
I tried some snowy diorama but it is not easy that easy to make large amounts of snow look convincing and realistic.
 8 January 2022, 08:42
Hang Li
I thought these are real photos from south pole, great work!👍
 8 January 2022, 09:10
Amazing, really realistic! Feels cold just by looking at it!
 10 January 2022, 22:02
Rui S
Very Nice Dio in such small scale. Well done 👍
 10 January 2022, 22:15
Łukasz Gliński
Lovely, need some hot coffee after looking at your photos, brrrr 😉
 11 January 2022, 09:58
Bas Tonn
Very cool 😉
 11 January 2022, 12:59
Живко Джаков
Great model. Favorite topic. Congratulations! I have a question. What is the exact color of the helicopter? I made it more orange.
 8 February 2022, 10:37
Finn kirjailija
Hi Джаков, sorry for late reply. You are probably right regarding the colour of the helicopter. I just took what I had home and it was Vallejo 70.817 Scarlet. Thanks for all kind comments!
 12 February 2022, 17:13
Juergen Klinglhuber
What a great model/dio ! 👍 well done!
 14 March 2023, 20:57
Simon O'Gorman
This is just so full of charm. And superbly built. Great stuff !
 14 March 2023, 22:41
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
 16 March 2023, 07:26
Zoltan Grotz
 16 March 2023, 09:21
Oleg Smilyk
Great !👍
 16 March 2023, 09:52
Finn kirjailija
Thank you all for your kind comments
 16 March 2023, 10:50

Project info

13 kuvien
1:72 Antarctic Helicopters Pt.1 (Max Decals MAX7222)1:72 UH-34D Choctaw (HobbyBoss 87222)1:72 WW.II Water Tank Trailer "Ben Hur" (Planet Models MV087)3+

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