The Execution | Rub Al Khali, Arabia 2059
21 10 March 2022, 07:45

Thank you all, it's not finished, dust and sand and the rest of the diorama
14 March 2022, 09:59

Incredilbe dio! The whole scene looks quite weird bit it has a spcial touch!
Like it much👍
Nice clouds of dust and good use of the individual elements.
29 March 2022, 04:06

Not something you see all day.
Cool idea and execution (pun intended). 👍
29 March 2022, 06:20

Amazing project. I'm glad that the sheik will do justice 😀 no mercy for the child eater😎
29 March 2022, 09:00
Album info
It's 2059 and after a 3th world war the civilized world stopt to exist. Looters and rapist are ruling the world now. A filthy rich oil sheik rules a part of his world, where laws no longer exist he drives around in his modified golden tank to bring justice. Do not feel pity for the guy in front of the tank, he killed and ate 3 young children.