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justin Hart (JHartModelworks)

1940 Ford pickup

Photo 1 of 140


14 25 March 2022, 17:13
Villiers de Vos
A beautiful finish.
 26 March 2022, 07:36
justin Hart kirjailija
 26 March 2022, 17:19
Christian W
What color did you take? That looks amazing! Like the two tone green
 28 March 2022, 06:21
justin Hart kirjailija
Thanks Christian I used Splash paints candy green. The main body is over zero paints fine silver base. The dark green It's Mr. surfacer 1500 black, followed by Tamiya Pearl clear, then the same candy green from spash.
 28 March 2022, 15:45
James C
Fantastic paintwork 👍
 28 March 2022, 17:24
justin Hart kirjailija
Thanks James
 29 March 2022, 00:04
John Wilkes
I lost the LH rear fender for mine like this. Beautiful tribute and nice handiwork..
 29 March 2022, 01:05
Christian W
Thank you, @Justin Hart. It is quite interessting, how much darker the fenders are because of the darker base color. Because of that, I guessed, that it schould be a transparent color over all.
I think this color is very complicated to paint to get a homogeneous look on it. I tried this once and failed. Respect for that.
 29 March 2022, 04:26
Very nice model!
 29 March 2022, 09:34
justin Hart kirjailija
Thanks @Neuling
 30 March 2022, 00:45
justin Hart kirjailija
@Christian W yeah it can be tough. It was about 5 coats of green for the lighter section and 3 for the dark section. Something that helps is after the coat I just lightly go over the whole part slightly randomly so as to prevent tiger stripes.
 30 March 2022, 00:47
Phil M
amazing details. The wheel is stunning
 24 December 2022, 10:33
justin Hart kirjailija
 24 December 2022, 16:38
Kyle DeHart
This one is awesome too!
 24 December 2022, 17:09
Yes I sure like your work on this one to
 24 December 2022, 20:22
justin Hart kirjailija
Thank you very much.
 26 December 2022, 02:55

Project info

140 kuvien
1:24 '40 Ford Custom Pickup Truck (Revell 85-4928)

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