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Markus Kutsch
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench (Markus Kutsch)

"Blaze" Operator 10

Photo 1 of 4


7 20 May 2022, 08:02
Erik Off
Really cool and good Paintjob! 👍
 20 May 2022, 15:12
Bruce Huxtable
Astonishing effects with the painting - superb 🙂
 20 May 2022, 16:14
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench kirjailija
Thank you very much, Mates... 😊
 29 May 2022, 09:20
Simon Nagorsnik
Very fascinating effects mate!
The lights and nmm parts are great and very convincing
Once again: an eye-catcher 😁
 15 July 2022, 03:42
Great paintjob 👍
 15 July 2022, 04:17
James Barrett
Nicely done, the OSL is well done, and NMM looks great. Great job blending on the face! Love the work on the cigar!
 15 July 2022, 04:53
Lochsa River
Wow.....the shading is cool
 15 July 2022, 05:00
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench kirjailija
Thank you very much to everyone 🙏🤗
 23 July 2022, 08:38

Album info

Bust 1/12 from scale75

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