Tamiya Churchill VII
Photo 1 of 38
23 21 October 2022, 20:10

Looking fab already. I do like to see classic plastic given some TLC. There's life in the old (Black) dog yet!
22 October 2022, 07:55

Thanks for the v positive comments. I'm a great believer that any good kit deserves a little tlc that can elevate it to something just a bit special.
22 October 2022, 23:32

Thanks. First coat of Vallejo Russian Uniform which is my preferred shade for British army vehicles. I feel that it acts as a good base for sharing and weathering, and doesn't end up with a vehicle that's overly dark. I lightened the first cost with a little off white and highlighted the upper surfaces and the centre's of the larger panels. Next job will be painting the storage before moving on with weathering, detail painting and finally the crew figures.
27 October 2022, 21:36

Looking better and better Dave. Never seen a hessian tape model look as good as this! Cannot wait to see the finished job!
31 October 2022, 22:53

Thanks 👍🏼 A little progress made over the last few days so I'll be updating the album soon
4 November 2022, 22:31