36 30 October 2022, 11:49

Watching! I have the old Matchbox kit, found in my parent`s basement. Missing the Clear Sprue and one door unfortunately...
11 November 2022, 22:51

This has been a surprisingly fun and quick little build. I think I'll be painting the scheme on the box. Interior is fully clear coated, so next steps are fully assembling the interior and closing it all up. The wiring is a little more obtrusive than I was hoping, so I may scratch build a little panel to cover most of it up
12 November 2022, 16:27

@Gordon perhaps you could build a crashed version. The rear door would be fairly easy to scratch build, but the cockpit glass would definitely be tough though
12 November 2022, 16:36

Thank you all for the nice comments! I've decided to drift away from the original paint scheme. Throughout this build, I've imagined this aircraft bringing small arms munition to some small rural encampment in Africa. I'm fairly certain that Germany hasn't had military forces there since WWII (and this model aircraft didn't fly until 1962), but we'll imagine they are supporting a large scale government effort to squash revolutionary uprisings in the mid 70s 🤔
31 December 2022, 00:16

Well. Why not?! I was thoroughly surprised to see this plane in israeli camo in an israeli airforce museum despite german export bans.
31 December 2022, 09:38

Thank you. I thought originally I went a little to heavy on the streaking, but it does look much better now with the weathering and other additions. Tonight I will add the final coat of matt clear, and then everything will need to be assembled.
7 January 2023, 18:42

Very nice result, especially the lighting looks very realistic. Congratulation!
12 January 2023, 07:28

Aand done. Fairly happy with the result, even though there's a few mistakes. This was a nice and simple kit to get through, and I'd recommend it if anyone is looking for something fast
12 January 2023, 14:11

Very nice progress. I am looking forward to see how you are going to hide the wires.
12 January 2023, 22:24