F4U Coursair
Photo 1 of 35
12 25 April 2023, 20:01

Looking at this kit it is not the most amazing mould and having a look at the time line for the product it is no surprise, with new parts having only been added in '89. A rather simple build so far with nothing amazing to talk about but this project will be down to the paint job which I was expecting.
25 April 2023, 20:09

Thanks Vincent. Wanting to weather this once transfers are down by reluctant as I am scared to ruin the clean look 😅
30 May 2023, 15:29

Getting close to the end of this project and have been looking online for some weather effected examples. Hoping to take some inspiration and add the last details before finishing this build.
6 June 2023, 22:01

Thanks Villiers, I must admit it got more enjoyable once the paintwork started coming together 😁
16 June 2023, 18:50