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Davide Vitali (DavideVitali)

albumit (7)

Viimeisimmät projekti-albumit

6 kuvien
Star Destroyer "Chimaera" - Build ReportView album, image #4
The most tedious part of this job has started… engraving the panel lines!
23 kuvien
R.N. Zara : Build ReportView album, image #23
Main deck coloring is done
projekti: R.N. Zara
1:350 Italian Heavy Cruiser Zara (Trumpeter 05347)
4 kuvien
A10C : Build ReportView album, image #1
The A-10 has a version of the ACES-II ejection seat. Details on the original mold are ...meh. Here's a list of the modif...
1:48 A-10C "Blacksnakes" (Italeri 2725)
6 kuvien
ISU 52 : Build ReportView album, image #5
1:72 ISU-152 (Zvezda 5026)
41 kuvien
StuH 42 : Build ReportView album, image #38
Done! Lots of trials and error but I’m kinda proud of how I managed to get it together. It was a very fun and instructio...
1:72 Sd.Kfz. 142/1 Sturmgeschütz III / Sd.Kfz. 142/2 Sturmhaubitze 42 (Italeri 7522)
82 kuvien
Sherman M4A3E2 : Build ReportView album, image #82
A closeup view on the details. I like the "fiddly" view, it's not a perfect work but I'm very satisfied with the result ...
1:35 M4A3E2 "Jumbo" (Tamiya 35139)1:35 M4 Sherman Road wheels Pattern No. 1 (Panzer Art RE35-631)
5 kuvien
Lockdown DioramaView album, image #1
1:72 M4A3 Sherman 75mm (Armourfast 99014)1:72 British Paratroopers Red Devils (Italeri 6034)

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