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Peter K. (Fwlwsichtrp )

albumit (7)

Viimeisimmät projekti-albumit

32 kuvien
Fw190 D11View album, image #32
Today the front part was glued to the fuselage. The undercarriage was partially weathered and the cockpit canopy masked....
projekti: Fw-190 D11
1:48 Focke-Wulf Fw 190D-11 (HobbyBoss 81718)
25 kuvien
FW190 F-8View album, image #24
Yesterday I did the panellines. Today I applied a light oil wash on the wings and a little highlights with pencils. The ...
1:72 Focke Wulf Fw 190 F-8 (Revell 03898)
15 kuvien
A-10 Revell 1/48View album, image #10
Hi guys, the rain is back and the days are getting shorter again. Time to return to the hobby cellar. The A-10 I started...
1:48 A-10 Thunderbolt II (Revell 04687)
52 kuvien
A-20G 1/48View album, image #46
1:48 A-20 G/J Havoc (Revell 04598)
17 kuvien
RestartView album, image #15
1:48 Focke-Wulf Fw190 A-8/A-8 R2 (Tamiya 61095)

Muut albumit

54 kuvien
Impressions from Intermodellbau 2023 DortmundView album, image #32
1 kuvien
Various View album, image #1
My workshop