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Rui (GrenadeBait)

kokoelmat (13)

1868-1945: Imperial Japanese Navy
1918 to Present: Portugal’s Aerial Forces
ideat 16×Meneillään 2×valmistunut 2×
1923-1946: Regia Aeronautica
ideat 1×
1933-1946: Wehrmacht Luftwaffe
ideat 2×valmistunut 2×
1935-1945: Wehrmacht Heer
ideat 5×
1935-1945: Wehrmacht Kriegsmarine
1941-1943: Deutsches Afrikakorps (DAK), Wehrmacht
ideat 3×
1947-1991: The Cold War
ideat 12×valmistunut 1×
1950-1953: Korean War
ideat 1×
1955-1975: The Vietnam War
ideat 3×
1982: Falklands War / Guerra de las Malvinas
ideat 2×
4B: Battered & Bruised Boxes Builds
ideat 13×
Practice Projects
valmistunut 3×