Space: 1999 - Laser Tank (dome)
- asteikko:
- 1:76
- Status:
- Meneillään
- aloitti:
- June 24, 2022
House renovations/remodelling/decorating have taken up much of my time so far this year... so spare time for other pursuits/hobbies has been scarce(ish). Numerous kits/projects have been started, and for one reason, or another, currently sit (languishing?) either back in their boxes or on my work table. In an effort to make some headway on something, I've actually spent a little bit of time working on this (newish) project. Another Space: 1999 laser tank. As with the "Flat Top" variant, this is an Airfix Chieftain kit lower hull/chassis and scratch built top. As of right now, I'm "fairly confident" I'll finish this one. Sometime this year!
Hankkeiden luettelo
Täydelliset sarjat
24 June 2022, 19:42