albumit (12)
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16 kuvien
Malayan Campaign Type 95 Ha Go | FineMolds
Made some mistakes by allowing pigment fixer to leak here and there (particularly on the track skirts) but otherwise was...
projekti: IJA Type 95 Ha Go | FineMolds
2 kuvien
Battleship Musashi 1942 | Tamiya
Dryfitting -- looks nice so far! Had brass barrels for the 5- and 6-inch guns but decided to save them for a future build.
projekti: Battleship Musashi 1942 | Tamiya
3 kuvien
Carrier Taiho, Philippine Sea June '44 | Tamiya
Painted, weathered, and assembled. Now comes the final varnish, then rigging and flags.
projekti: Japanese aircraft carrier Taiho | Tamiya
14 kuvien
Prototype YF-16A | Academy
Butchered the weathering but it is what it is. Not used to using Tamiya Panel Liner because it eats through my old varni...
projekti: F-16A | Academy
11 kuvien
Borei-class SSBN Yuri Dolgoruky | HobbyBoss
Decals finished. Glad to be done with this part. Now begins weathering...
18 kuvien
Interwar HMS Rodney | Tamiya
Final image I'm comfortable sharing of HMS Rodney, post-gloss varnish. To make a long story short, I shouldn't have inst...
projekti: Interwar HMS Rodney | Tamiya
24 kuvien
Sino-Japanese War A6M2a | Hasegawa
I'm not much of a photographer and I lack the means to have nice photogenic shots of my models in a near-studio setting,...
projekti: A6M2a
17 kuvien
Winter War T-26 | Zvezda
Finally finished. Ultimately the chipping, mud, and snow effects could use some more practice, but considering it was th...
projekti: Winter War T-26
8 kuvien
Eduard Pfalz D.IIIa
Will need a bit of retouching, but it could've gone a lot worse, so I'm pleased.
projekti: Eduard Pfalz D.IIIa