Kenworth K123
- Nimi:
- Kenworth K123
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- ajoneuvot » Kuorma
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Complete Truck & Trailer Set "Pepsi" Kenworth K-123 cabover & Fruehauf 40' beaded panel van with Pepsi livery
Matchbox/AMT 1:43
PK-7103 1981 Uudet osat 
Complete Truck & Trailer Set "Pepsi" Kenworth K-123 cabover & Fruehauf 40' beaded panel van with Pepsi livery
AMT 1:43
T-783 1977 Uudet osat Multi-aihe (2)Tuotteet

Complete Truck & Trailer Set "Pepsi" Kenworth K-123 cabover & Fruehauf 40' beaded panel van with Pepsi livery
Matchbox/AMT 1:43
PK-7103 1981 Uudet osat 
Kenworth K-123/Fruehauf Truck and Trailer Complete
Matchbox/AMT 1:43
PK-7102 1979 Uudet osat Multi-aihe (2)
Complete Truck & Trailer Set "Pepsi" Kenworth K-123 cabover & Fruehauf 40' beaded panel van with Pepsi livery
AMT 1:43
T-783 1977 Uudet osat Multi-aihe (2)
Complete Truck & Trailer Set "Goodyear" Kenworth K-123 cabover & Fruehauf 40' Exterior Post Van with Goodyear livery
AMT 1:43
T-782 1977 Uudet tarrat Multi-aihe (2)
Complete Truck & Trailer Set Kenworth K-123 cabover & Fruehauf 40' beaded panel van with Pepsi livery
Gakken 1:43
T-783 197x Uusi laatikko Multi-aihe (2)Kirjat
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