Leopard 2A6
Main Battle Tank
Tamiya | No. 35271 | 1:35

Kapcsolódó termékek
Detail and Conversion sets
Valamire tervezve: This specific kit

Conversion to: Finnish
Leopard 2 A6 Fi or Leopard 2 A6 K Perfect Scale Modellbau 1:35
35203 2020 Új eszköz 
Leopard 2A6 Basic (ver.B Gun Barrel Included) Tamiya 35271
Voyager Model 1:35
PE35776B 2020 Új alkatrészek 
Rheinmetall 120mm L55 Barrel for Leopard 2A6/A7 for Meng Model, Tamiya
Orange Hobby 1:35
G35-163 201x Új eszköz 
Modern German Rh-M-120 L/55 120mm Gun Barrel (Leopard2A6used)(GP)
Voyager Model 1:35
VBS0199 2017 Új eszköz 
Sticker for simulating
Anti Reflection Coating Lens, Leopard 2 A5/A6 For Tamiya AFV Club 1:35
AC35013 2011 Új eszköz 
Mehrzweck-Wurfanlage (NEU) for Leopard 2 A5/A6 - Bundeswehr
MR Modellbau 1:35
MR-35329 2009 Új eszköz 
German Leopard 2A5 & 2A6 MBT (for Tamiya 35242 & 35271)
Echelon Fine Details 1:35
M357110 2008 Új eszköz 
Rheinmetall 120mm L/55 Leopard 2A6 (Tamiya)
Magic Models 1:35
Rheinmetall 120 mmL55 Barrel leopard 2A6/A7 Meng TS-027 and Tamiya 35271
Orange Hobby 1:35
G35-163-98 Valamire tervezve: Same Product family

Canadian Leopard 2A6 w/short Slat Armor - Last Version for Tamiya Leopard 2A5/2A6
Real Model 1:35
RM35150 2015 Új eszköz 
Leopard 2 - Powerpack & Engine Compartment for HobbyBoss, Tamiya
Perfect Scale Modellbau 1:35
35001 201* Új eszköz 
Germany Type 570P 'Diehl' Track for Germany Leopard 2 A5/A6 MBT
Armour Track Models 1:35
TK-09 (02039) 200x Új eszköz 
Leopard 2A5/A6
Turret Basket Grill - Gitter für Turmstaukörbe for Tamiya Voyager Model 1:35
AP006 2006 Új eszköz Valamire tervezve: Generic

Leopard 2A5/A6 AGDUS conversion (Combat Training System)
Perfect Scale Modellbau 1:35
35216 2022 Új eszköz 
Modern German Leopard 2A4/A5/A6/A7 Simulated Main Gun Combat Effectiveness Device for Exercise(GP)
Voyager Model 1:35
PEA443 2019 Új eszköz 
Modern German Rh-M-120 L/44 120mm Gun Barrel (Leopard 2A5 used)
Voyager Model 1:35
VBS0200 2017 Új eszköz 
Type 570P 'Diehl' Track Links (Workable) for German Leopard 2 A5/A6 MBT Trumpeter 1:35
02039 (TK-09) 2017 Új doboz 
Leopard 1 & 2 Minenroller Australian and Canadian
Perfect Scale Modellbau 1:35
35069 201* Új eszköz Több téma (2)
Silver Reflectors for Modern Swedish AFVs Peel & Stick
Echelon Fine Details 1:35
D356084 2009 Új eszköz 
Orange Reflectors for Modern Swedish AFVs Peel & Stick
Echelon Fine Details 1:35
D356035 2008 Új eszköz 
German Army
Leopard II Track German Army Leopard 2A4/A5/A6 workable track link AFV Club 1:35
AF35S09 2004 Új doboz 
Rheinmetall 120mm turned barrel with resin details L44/ L55
Inside the Armour ITA3 1:35
35074 200* Új eszköz 
German 120-mm Cannon L / 55 Long
Model Gun 1:35
Tow Cables For German Leopard 2A7 Tank Revoluion
RMG Resin Models 1:35
Tow Cables For German Leopard 1/2 Tank, PzH 2000 (All variants)
RMG Resin Models 1:35
RM054-2 Több téma (3)
Tow cables for modern German armour
Karaya 1:35
L44 120mm Smoothbore Gun for Leopard 2 A5
Barrel Depot 1:35
Lenses and tailights for Leopard 2 A6
SKP model 1:35
SKP 153 
Skirts & Smoke Grenade Launcher for Leopard 2A5/A6
Pro Art Models 1:35
PAU-35018 Valamire tervezve: Unknown

Leopard 2 tracks ( Diehl 570FT )
Leopard 2 A5 - A7 Tarnstangenhalterung ohne Tarnstangen. A5 - A7 camouflage pole holder
Perfect Scale Modellbau 1:35
Leopard 2A7V Tamiya
Eduard 1:35
Bergepanzer 3 - Small Parts Set 2
MAD-Modellbau 1:35

Leopard 2A6 - PE parts
Vmodels 1:3535081

German Leopard 2 Metal Track with brass pins and plastic pads
San Xin Model 1:35
Leopard 2A4 Finlandais
KMT 1:35
Rh-M 120 Gun barrel for Leopard 2A4 MBT
Panzer Art 1:35
Rh-M 120 Gun barrel for Leopard 2A5 MBT
Panzer Art 1:35
Rh-M 120 L55 Gun barrel for Leopard 2A6&7 MBT
Panzer Art 1:35
Leopard 2A4 NL conversion
Perfect Scale Modellbau 1:35
Leopard 2 Blinkerschutzbügel
Perfect Scale Modellbau 1:35
Complete upgrading set for Leopard 2A5/A6
Orange Hobby 1:35
Leopard 2 Rear Mud Flaps
Leopard Workshop 1:35
Finnish Leopard 2 Marksman Adapter Set
Leopard Workshop 1:35
Leopard 2A6M CAN Barracuda
Perfect Scale Modellbau 1:35
35071 Decals
Valamire tervezve: This specific kit

Leopard 2HEL Anniversary finish
LM Decals 1:35
LMX 0078 Valamire tervezve: Generic

Portugal BrigMec - GCC 1º e 2º Esquadrão de Carros de Combate (2020)
707 Forte 1:35
D03 2020 Új eszköz Valamire tervezve: Unknown

CAF Leaves Generic 12", 16" and 8" black maple leafs with and without white outlines
Above & Below Graphics 1:35
2040 2022 Új eszköz Több téma (9)
Dutch Leopards 2s YPR-765s and other AFVs
Echelon Fine Details 1:35
T35005 2004 Új eszköz Több téma (2)
Modern Dutch Army - Leopard 2A4/5/6
Black Lion Decals 1:35
Trots op onze jongens
Black Lion Decals 1:35
BLD05-2010 Figures
Valamire tervezve: Generic

Leopard 2A5 SFOR Crew
MR Modellbau 1:35
MR-35235 Valamire tervezve: Unknown

Modern Canadian Armed Force Tank Crew in Afghanistan (For Canadian Leopard 1/2 Series)
Valkyrie Miniature 1:35
VM35008 2014 Új eszköz 
Polish Army 2007 Leopard Tank Crew (2 3/4 Figures & Decals)
ToRo Model 1:35
Leopard 2A4 Polish Tank Crew
ToRo Model 1:35
Polish Leopard Crew pt.2
ToRo Model 1:35
Panzersoldaten, Leo 2 aufmunitionierend (Tank soldiers for Leopard 2 carrying ammunition)
DOLP-Modellbau 1:35
BW 058 
Panzersoldat, Leo 2 Mun. tragend (Tank Soldier for Leopard 2 carrying ammunition)
DOLP-Modellbau 1:35
BW 056 Masks
Valamire tervezve: Same Product family
Valamire tervezve: Generic

Airbrush Camo-Mask for 1/35 Leopard 2 A4 Camouflage Scheme
J's Work 1:35
PPA5127 Valamire tervezve: Unknown

Leopard 2 A7 Camouflage
Border Model 1:35
BD0020 Nameplates
Valamire tervezve: Generic

Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Leopard 2A4CHLModel Monkey 1:35
np-Leopard 2A4CHL-1 2020 Új eszköz 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Leopard 2A4MModel Monkey 1:35
np-Leopard 2A4M-1 2020 Új eszköz 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Leopard 2A4NOModel Monkey 1:35
np-Leopard 2A4NO-1 2020 Új eszköz 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Leopard 2A5Model Monkey 1:35
np-Leopard 2A5-1 2020 Új eszköz 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Leopard 2A5 DKModel Monkey 1:35
np-Leopard 2A5 DK-1 2020 Új eszköz 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Leopard 2A6HELModel Monkey 1:35
np-Leopard 2A6HEL-1 2020 Új eszköz 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Leopard 2A7+Model Monkey 1:35
np-Leopard 2A7+-1 2020 Új eszköz 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Leopard 2A6MModel Monkey 1:35
np-Leopard 2A6M-1 2020 Új eszköz 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Leopard 2A6NLModel Monkey 1:35
np-Leopard 2A6NL-1 2020 Új eszköz 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Leopard 2PLModel Monkey 1:35
np-Leopard 2PL-1 2020 Új eszköz 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Stridsvagn 122Model Monkey 1:35
np-Stridsvagn 122-1 2020 Új eszköz 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Leopard 2A4Model Monkey 1:35
np-Leopard 2A4-1 2018 Új eszköz