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Steve Wilson
How do I get my album to appear here please???
The Neglected Kit Resurrection Groupbuild in
The Neglected Kit Resurrection Groupbuild

1. Január 2016 amíg 31. December 2020
26 June 2014, 09:23
Steve Wilson Szerző
Sussed it👍
 26 June 2014, 10:03
Steve Wilson Szerző
You type " The Neglected Kit Resurrection Groupbuild " nothing else, no full stops comma's or anything else as the title of your album and save it. Done!!!
I had my signature three full stops at the end of my title and it wouldn't do it...
 26 June 2014, 10:44
Choppa Nutta
on the intro of the TNKR page I did a little 4 step guide to joining in 🙂
 26 June 2014, 11:02
Steve Wilson Szerző
But you didn't say, " don't add anything to the title," I did and it didn't Lol!!!(((😄 )))
 26 June 2014, 11:09
Choppa Nutta
lol, I'll amend that then 🙂
 26 June 2014, 11:34

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