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A szálat indította Bobanski

Robert Bednarčík
új fotóalbumot adott hozzá.
142 képek
Moji aviaticiView album, image #142
57 5 May 2022, 20:13
Łukasz Gliński
What a beautiful collection, being v.jealous right now 😄
In particular of your 1/72 mottling skills 😮
PS. Regia Aeronautica, not Regina 😉
 5 May 2022, 20:37
Wow! Very nice! We share an interest in off-beat markings especially on Bf-109s.
 5 May 2022, 20:50
Dietmar Bogatzki
whoooww cool nice build and paintjob
 5 June 2022, 10:31
Villiers de Vos
A very nice line-up.
 6 June 2022, 02:29
Robin (WhiteGlint)
A great collection with a lot of interesting paint schemes! 👀 👍
 6 June 2022, 07:07
I agree with everyone above! 👍👍
 6 June 2022, 09:31
Simon Nagorsnik
Fantastic collection!
 6 June 2022, 09:33
WOW! Fabulous collection.
 6 June 2022, 09:52
Villiers de Vos
An amazing line-up. Pure eye candy.
 10 October 2022, 17:08
Rui S
Beautiful collection 👍
 11 October 2022, 00:12
You've got some wild stuff in there. Nice to see something different for a change. Are some of those liveries what ifs or are they all based on real planes? I'd love to have that much work finished. Great collection.
 30 April 2023, 00:35
Alec K
Impressive collection indeed. Each deserves its own album 👍
 27 June 2023, 12:05
Pietro De Angelis
What a beautiful collection, congrats!
 27 June 2023, 16:44
Jean-Louis Durand
Very interesting collection !
 27 June 2023, 17:06
Bruce Huxtable
Krásná sbírka! Opravdu, jsi šikovný modelář 🙂👍 Inspirace podle mě.
 27 June 2023, 18:09

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