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A szálat indította springfieldm14

Bob Hall
hozzáadott egy új projektet.
9 4 February 2024, 20:27
Them decals are sending me dizzy! Best of luck with those mate.
 4 February 2024, 21:09
Bob Hall Szerző
Luckily they are pre-cut and some sort of dry rub transfer style. A first for me and seeing as they are 40 plus years old, finge red s crossed they still work out right !
 4 February 2024, 21:31
That kinda reminds me of the old Letraset transfers? Mate, I've just had a mind blast of Remus and The Black Hole movie, and rubbing those decals on anything that didn't move! It's definitely time for a beer!
 4 February 2024, 21:50
Nigel Chapman
Interesting project. Can't say I have even seen this kit. Rub down Transfers can get brittle with age. Is it worth getting them reprinted?
 4 February 2024, 22:41
@ Nigel. Oddly enough, I mentioned you in another thread today, and like a Genie, here you are? Check out the Duesenberg thread, a good few below this? The guy is making a cracking job of it 👍
 4 February 2024, 22:51
Nigel Chapman
Will do
 5 February 2024, 00:48
Nigel Chapman
@Bozzer cannot find the thread for Duesenberg.
@Bob is the Mustang based on real car?
 5 February 2024, 01:09
Bob Hall Szerző
Not Sure, but Burris made some of the most famous mod customs of the 60's and 70's. I know he made a pair of custom Mustangs for Sonny &Cher back in the mid sixty'
 5 February 2024, 01:33
Watchin……… where my beer at?
 5 February 2024, 01:39
Barris handled dozens of one -off custom orders for many celebrities, he knew em all & he had the best designers & fabricators in the business 👌👌
I reckon I've got an old book of all his celeb cars & bikes somewhere….
 5 February 2024, 01:48
Bob Hall Szerző
As you can see by most of my builds are not the box art type, but this Burris kit w as s way to eye catching to pass up !
 5 February 2024, 03:42
@Bob. That Barris link, was very interesting, thanks for the heads up.
 5 February 2024, 07:26
Nigel Chapman
Hey Bozzer checkout the official site at it's worth a look
 5 February 2024, 22:56
Bob Hall Szerző

Sonny and Cher Barris Mustangs.
 6 February 2024, 01:55
I've seen Motortrend many times, when I've been in the states. Obviously, we don't get it over here in the UK, on regular TV, but I never thought of looking for it, online? DOH!!!
Some awesome stuff on those two links, thank you, fellas!
All this eye candy, is gonna have me building cars soon! 🙂
 6 February 2024, 04:14
Bob Hall Szerző
OK, status up date. 44 year old rub on dry transfer decals are D.O.A. on their own, BUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One rolling blade exacto knife, some clear Elmer's school glue, a sewing needle and my Army Sniper type patience and all is saved. Now just have to dig out some Pony and 289 fender decals and do some chrome time and we will be cooking with napalm 🔥 !
 10 February 2024, 05:09
Hahaha Bobs bar-b-q's must be epic 🔥🔥🔥😂
 10 February 2024, 11:51
Very cool
 10 February 2024, 12:16
Bob Hall Szerző
 4 July 2024, 00:06
 4 July 2024, 05:08
d hadley
Bravo!!! It looks great!
 5 July 2024, 22:04
Bob Hall Szerző
I like the old Barris kits, but I learned real fast the old dry rub decals bad 🫤, so next time might scan them then print modern ones. But thanks Had 👍
 5 July 2024, 22:26
Nice one Bob👌👌 those decals are epic, proper late 60's kustom kool 😎😎

 9 July 2024, 21:39
Bob Hall Szerző
Thanks Munk ! Luckily I missed that far psychedelic far out by just a couple years, I was a Watergate baby, but I do remember finding some of my mom's and aunt's old goodies around my grandfather's house ! Oh the nightmare of pea green shag carpet, macrame owls and Peter Max folders around the house still gives me the shivers from time to time ! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
 11 July 2024, 07:13

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