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A szálat indította Cliff@CDM

Cliff Kidd
új fotóalbumot adott hozzá.
13 21 June 2024, 21:46
Beautifully displayed!
Didn't you enjoy building the model? It looks great.
 22 June 2024, 07:35
So small and so beautiful!
 22 June 2024, 07:54
Cliff Kidd Szerző
Thank you Gorby/Neuling!
I did enjoy the model build but just feel I can do much more with 1:350 ships especially on the weathering aspect.
 22 June 2024, 14:28
Christian Abraham
Wow, really beautyfull
 2 July 2024, 15:29
Cliff Kidd Szerző
Thank you Christian!
 2 July 2024, 22:04
Zbynek Honzik
Fantastic work, Cliff! 👏👏👏
 2 July 2024, 22:16

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