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A szálat indította gorby

új fotóalbumot adott hozzá.
38 22 August 2024, 12:45
Kesa Tiho
Silly looking truck 👍
 22 August 2024, 15:51
Robert Podkoński
Taking a seat, of course!
 22 August 2024, 15:55
first row available? great, ready for the scratch master class 🙂
and a bit of fun too, of course 😉
 22 August 2024, 17:41
gorby Szerző
Welcome to the build mates.
Kesa: Sillier the better for me. I go out of my way to find odd things to build. 🙂
 23 August 2024, 07:02
David Taylor
Back in.
 23 August 2024, 07:05
gorby Szerző
👍 🙂
 23 August 2024, 07:13
Łukasz Gliński
I love the armoured cars and Gorbs' projects - I have to watch this too 👍
 23 August 2024, 12:46
gorby Szerző
Welcome Lukasz. I hope the end result won't disappoint. 🙂
 23 August 2024, 13:22
I often winder how you choose your next topic for scratch builds! The subject matter is always something different or interesting - and the builds just phenomenal! Taking a seat to see the next creation!
 24 August 2024, 14:50
Greg Baker
Oh, this is cool. I scratch-built an armoured car too - nothing this intense though - so I'm super-keen to see this one shape up.
 24 August 2024, 14:55
gorby Szerző
Thanks both. 👍
Capt: for this one I went looking for something Norwegian, because that was the subject of the GB for Jens. It had to be something I'd be able to scratch build (as I was too tight to open my wallet to buy something. 😄 ). Normally it's because I just stumble on an interesting picture. 🙂
 24 August 2024, 17:02
John Hughes
Another case of Norway nul points?
 24 August 2024, 19:46
Alec K
Splendid, I am in 👍
 25 August 2024, 01:25
gorby Szerző
😄 😄
Glad you could both join in. 🙂
 25 August 2024, 07:07
gorby Szerző
New photos start from number 13
Build stage is now complete, just need to get the crayons out to colour it in. 😉
 26 August 2024, 13:37
Łukasz Gliński
Those rivets look good 👍
 26 August 2024, 13:45
Kesa Tiho
Silly angry black truck 👍
 26 August 2024, 13:49
gorby Szerző
😄 😄 😄
Soon it'll be a silly, moderately angry grey truck. 🙂
Thanks for your comments mates. 👍
 26 August 2024, 13:57
Alec K
Nice progress on this dry teabag-proof vehicle 👍😂
 29 August 2024, 12:38
gorby Szerző
Teabag-proof is a bit of a stretch. I suspect the insurance would have been void if they drove past Tetley's.
I'm currently making a pigs-ear of the weathering. No change there then. 😄
Thanks Alec. 👍
 29 August 2024, 14:27
gorby Szerző
I'm not one of those people who claim to have a remarkable super-power...the ability to know what colour something is in a black and white photo. I haven't found anywhere which mentions what colour it was, so I'm going grey. Actually most of my hair fell out before I went grey but that's probably down to living with a daughter all those years ago. 😄
Oh yes, grey. I used Tamiya XF-87 as I thought that would be the most actuate shade of grey for something I know nothing about. Or it could equally be that I've got a lot of XF-87. Seems like a good enough reason to me.
I hope to get the completed pics posted at the weekend.
 30 August 2024, 16:02
Square, pragmatic, great! 👍
 30 August 2024, 17:08
Michael Kohl
I am German. So square is my kinda stuff.
 30 August 2024, 17:52
gorby Szerző
😄 😄 😄
Thanks matiepoos. 🙂
 31 August 2024, 06:52
Really, really cool
 31 August 2024, 12:53
gorby Szerző
Thanks very much Finn. 👍

Aaaaaannd…..tis done. Completed photos now posted. Hope you like my obscure Norwegian oddity. 🙂
 31 August 2024, 15:11
Alex Rakhimgulov
Wow! Such an unusual and interesting piece of tech art! Joy!
 31 August 2024, 15:20
Alec K
Very nice, love it 👍
 31 August 2024, 15:59
fantastic job gorby
 31 August 2024, 16:26
Greg Baker
 31 August 2024, 16:41
Cool armored car! 👍
 31 August 2024, 16:44
John Hughes
Didn't the A-Team build that in a shed once? Nice job, gorby!
 31 August 2024, 17:01
David Taylor
Another nice build Gorby.
 31 August 2024, 19:34
Mick Burdett
Great build love the rivets. How you do that?
 31 August 2024, 20:23
Mr D
Amazing the way it's built up from scratch, Nice work 👌👍👍
 31 August 2024, 20:29
gorby Szerző
Thanks mates for your lovely comments. 🙂
Mick: The description on Photo number 13 explains the rivety skin.
 1 September 2024, 07:10
Kesa Tiho
Bloody lovely. The wait was worth it
 1 September 2024, 22:00
gorby Szerző
Thanks very much Kesa.
This was a very quick scratch-build for me, I think it was a bout three weeks. My Steaplechaser traction engine took about four months to build. Now that was a long wait. 😄
 2 September 2024, 06:36
Łukasz Gliński
That was as quick as it's cool 👍
 2 September 2024, 07:50
Interesting vehicle, very well done!
 2 September 2024, 08:57
gorby Szerző
Thanks very much Lukasz. 🙂
 2 September 2024, 08:59

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