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53 29 December 2024, 11:34

A bit history related to this aircraft as I found that quite interessting,....
In 1932, a Junkers F13 was made available for the then Federal Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Dr. Engelbert Dollfuß, for various trips abroad. The pilot, with the rank of a government pilot, was Wilhelm Elssler (a great-nephew of Fanny Elssler the famous ballet dancer). When Dollfuss became Chancellor on 20 May, his business trips often took him to Rome to see Mussolini. He always used the latest JuF 13 machines (A48, A57, A58).
When the Douglas DC 2 emerged as the clear winner of the England-Australia race and also clearly distanced the competitors in the average cruising speed, Elssler lobbied Dollfuss for the purchase of such an aircraft. Packed in boxes, the DC2 arrived by sea from New York to Cherbourg and was assembled at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport. On 1 November 1934, it flew to Vienna-Aspern with the special registration A500, piloted by pilot Elssler and flight mechanic Hölzl.
Dollfuss himself did not to see the commissioning of the DC2 as a government aircraft, because he was murdered on July 25, 1934. His successor was Dr. Kurt Schuschnigg. The new DC2 could not be integrated into scheduled service, as it had to be ready for take-off at Aspern airfield at all times for government flights. Beside this it was only used for sightseeing flights and some special short trips. Due to the low capacity utilization, the DC2 was sold to Swiss Air on 12 March 1936 with only 124 flight hours and 37 flight minutes. Swiss Air already had this type of aircraft in use and added the "new one" with the registration number HB-JSA to its air fleet. Through a broker,"our" DC2 was sold to Spain on October 28, 1936, where it was used by the Republicans during the Civil War.
3 30 December 2024, 15:38

Good story Juergen, that DC-2 winning the Melbourne air race was the Dutch PH-AJU, 'Uiver' which means stork (storch?).
I have a book on that somewhere.
Following this project with interest, as always. Good luck and enjoy.
3 January, 11:34

Very interesting topic and also the context story of the Ö-Force One 😉.
I'm curious how good/bad the kit is as it waits in my stash to be re-engined.
3 January, 12:20

Thx for your interest Micheal & Bas Tonn. And thanks for the "Storch" up-date.
3 January, 13:14

Hi Lukasz. The fit of the window panes is great. I wish that would be a standard on other model kits too. I did some "dry-fit" on the fuselage and nosecone - I have to report: 🙁 oops! opposite from good. I will post some pic's later.
3 January, 13:18

Hi - Hope you all had a good wekend - I have now up-loaded some pic showing the progress and the "questionable" fit of some components. 😉
Some putty and sanding will be required,...let's go!
12 January, 17:30

🙂 ...that much that I first thought the mistake happened at my end - but that wasn't the case,... 🙂
1 12 January, 18:12

That requires some serious nosejob, I'd try cuttong it at the back on top and on the bottom, to make it bit wider and than fill the cuts, but it's just me 😋
12 January, 18:16

Whoa! I am with Łukasz, except I would reduce the fuselage, vs. spreading the nose piece. Gobs of putty don't seem like a way to go either. Fingers crossed 🤞
Looks like Roland S managed to make it work somehow: DC-2 Japan | Album by Roland (1:72)
12 January, 21:16

I'm just afraid of rescribing all these lines on the fuselage Alec 😉
Just checked the instructions in mine - maybe the other nose fits better? If it does, perhaps it would be easier to modify it?
12 January, 21:26

True, but they will need to be rescribed to a certain degree no matter what imho. Shaping that cut-up nose scares me more 😂😂😂
12 January, 21:52

Nothing an entire tube of perfect plastic putty and an endless amount of sanding won't fix.
1 13 January, 00:39

Same bird - a week later.
I "re-shaped" the fuselage with blade, putty and sandsticks. And yes, rescribing was not the fun part of the build so far. 😉 BUT: I guess the outcome of all this is acceptable.
1 18 January, 10:08

Thank you Robert & Alec. I put black base on in the meantime and the lates pic shows it from opposite angle.
19 January, 09:47

Thx gents - I work with the metallizers this weekend. I will try to put some new pic's soon.
25 January, 10:47

All decals are placed now. The finishing line of this project is in sight.
1 8 February, 10:24

Hi Andy & Lorraine - thank you for your nice comments.
1 15 February, 18:17

Here are the final pictures. Douglas DC-2 in Austrian Air Force One scheme - done.
23 February, 14:45

Wow, die DC-2 schaut super aus. Ich gratuliere herzlich zu diesem tollen Ergebnis Jürgen!
23 February, 16:17

Congratulations on the completion of this beautiful aircraft, Jürgen! Nice work. 👍
23 February, 17:02

Hi everyone and a heartful thankyou for all your nice recognitions.
24 February, 19:05