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A szálat indította legoman

Jan Janssen
új fotóalbumot adott hozzá.
33 13 February, 16:05
Rui S
Nice work 👍
 13 February, 16:09
Martin Weinpold
 13 February, 16:18
David Taylor
 13 February, 16:22
Major Oak
Hi lovely work like the colours can't beat italeri choppers some off there other stuff is a rebox from the 80s and poor but reg their helos someone is doing a great job 👍
 13 February, 17:48
Jan Janssen Szerző
You are so right
 14 February, 17:00
David Taylor
Jan there is a conversion out there for a turbine model.
 14 February, 18:40
Jan Janssen Szerző
Thanks David, i might do that after building this one i'm sure another version will be made at some point. For the current Italeri list price it's well worth the money!
 15 February, 08:00
David Taylor
Holding out for a 48 scale.
 15 February, 09:52

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