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A szálat indította Czegle Zso

Zsolt Czegle
új fotóalbumot adott hozzá.
20 24 February, 19:18
Tom B.
Interesting 👍 Consider me following along!
1  24 February, 21:26
Dave Flitton
1  25 February, 04:07
1  25 February, 13:14
1  25 February, 19:06
Zsolt Czegle Szerző
Welcome mates on the aboard!
 26 February, 06:00
Zsolt Czegle Szerző
The only upgrades are the mirrors, so I can start with the painting! 😉
 26 February, 17:15
Stefan Schacht
nice start, count me in.
1  28 February, 14:33
Zsolt Czegle Szerző
Thank you Stefan, welcome here!
 1 March, 09:57
Zsolt Czegle Szerző
I painted the green base color and airbrushed the 4tones camo pattern by freehand. Honestly it was awfull. So I deicided to strip the paint and start over again.
So I airbrushed the light brown color with highlights and masked the brown patches. The next color is the light yellow.
 4 March, 16:25
Zsolt Czegle Szerző
Painting masks are removed. I'm statisfied with the outcome!
 11 March, 09:02
Very nice camo work! 👍
 11 March, 19:30
Łukasz Gliński
Nice one! Is it a 3D print?
 11 March, 20:06
Zsolt Czegle Szerző
Thank you mates!

Łukasz: yes it's a 3D printed resin
1  11 March, 20:38

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