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A szálat indította Squack

Gareth Lloyd
új fotóalbumot adott hozzá.
35 képek
Space 1999 Eagle with Laboratory Pod and BoosterView album, image #33Új: 15 March, 11:52
Basecoats on the feet and landing gear is Dark Sea Grey. Landing gear struts get a coat of chrome then glossed. Sensors ...
1:48 Eagle2 (MPC 923/06)1:48 Spine Booster (MPC MKA043)1:48 Weathering Panel Decals (MPC MKA051/12)
13 26 February, 20:08
Rui S
I'm in 😎
 26 February, 23:33
Ben M
 26 February, 23:39
Lorraine Lin
1  27 February, 04:13
Always thought it was weird that in season 1 they wore environmental suits in the cockpit (I guess in case of life support failure, and too bad for anyone in the passenger compartment), but in season 2 they piloted wearing their regular clothing.
 27 February, 18:42
Jörg Schäfer
Interesting, I'll take a look at that.
 28 February, 03:46
Always love the Eagle
 13 March, 16:24

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