A szálat indította chrisagreat

This little guy came in the mail today. Holy SH**!! This kit is epic in details and parts for being a tiny bugger. This is my next project for sure!

Subaru TT2 Sambar Fire Engine '08 Subaru Oizumi Factory Package
Aoshima 1:24
051429 (50) 2017 Új alkatrészek 31 May 2019, 19:19

The fire department for a tiny house community! This is going to be a cool project Chris!
31 May 2019, 19:57

Bob said It's for small fires, like trash cans and ash tray's and getting small kittens out of the tops of potted plants ... That one made me laugh
31 May 2019, 20:02

I worked at a Fire Prevention department for a local company for 3 years. We had like 3 huge warehouses, 4 manufacturing buildings, and 5 multi story offices in about a 5 mile radius. The only fire I ever put out was a cigarette butt collector. I just dumped the contents of my Yeti cup on it. I did look cool doing it though.
31 May 2019, 20:10

1999.co.jp/eng/image/10460486 - Glam shots, instructions, and sprue sheet preview... It shows that it's more than just a basic model like the mobile arcade truck was.
1 June 2019, 04:19

Waiting for you to start, Chris! That is another great looking little truck...
2 June 2019, 02:41

This'll be next. 😄 Unless I don't have the colors. I Haven't looked at colors/instructions in depth yet. I'll link to the album when I get underway.
2 June 2019, 02:46

Here is the little spud of a fire truck just getting underway while I wait for a paint for my Lexus.
Project 042 -- Subaru TT2 Sambar Fire Engine | Album by chrisagreat (1:24)
9 June 2019, 16:17