KIT 55, Volume 14, Nr 3IssueMagazin:KITSzám:55, Volume 14, Nr 3 | August-October 1984Nyelv:DutchTartalomjegyzékEditorial | Page 4Editorial by Rudy Binnemans Reference | Page 4Belgian civil JU 52's by M. Davain Build Report, 1:32 | Page 10Detailing the Puma of the Gendarmerie by Danny CoremansAerospatiale Westland SA 330 PumaMatchbox 1:32PK-507 1982 Új eszköz | Page 29German Panzer IV addendum by Kristof Dumoulin Review | Page 31Nieuw van Heller by F. Van Den VonderG 260 "Renault Sport" Bobkit Heller Humbrol 1:243502 1983 Új eszköz