Completed photos
Photo 1 of 13
41 11 September 2023, 19:26

Another one for my tanker collection finished. Hobbyboss 1/72nd A-7E Corsair II. A lovely kit with only a smidge of Mr Surfacer on one of the wing joints. Detail is exquisite. I don't normally like panels open, but as these were so excellent, I decided to break with tradition. Paints used were hataka lacquer on the upper surface and G Paint white on the lower. A buddy refuelling pod from freightdog made it into a tanker. An excellent kit that I would heartily recommend.
11 September 2023, 19:28

Congratulations for the beautigul model with plenty of small details to catch the eye. My favorite photo is the #9.
On the other hand, I am personally not liking that air intake cover that much,.
11 September 2023, 20:17

Thanks for your comments Marius. Sorry you don't like the intake blank. I've done them on a few of my builds and they do a great job of hiding the seam inside the intake and adding a splash of colour.
11 September 2023, 21:18

You've made a lovely job of this. Great weathering and paint. a beauty 🙂
12 September 2023, 13:16

Thanks guys. Attending a local model show today and I'm tempted to enter a competition so fingers crossed.
17 September 2023, 07:03