Strangulator strangulans
Photo 1 of 12
23 1 January 2024, 11:07

First time I tried this type of mottled camouflage with airbrush and freestyle. Turned out pretty decent, if I may say so myself. Also, the decals in this Heller kit are actually quite good.
The kit itself, considering its age, is also quite nice. It builds quick and easily and I enjoyed it with only a few minor fit issues.
1 January 2024, 11:41

Great freehand mottling, trying to achieve the same effect from time to time
4 January 2024, 10:32

Well done with that pretty crude base. Just a word about the swatiska, on this unit it was oversprayed by the custom camouflage :
Well, it's hard to say for the white 6 🙂
4 January 2024, 12:48

Thank you Łukasz. I was a bit hesitant to do that camo at first because I thought it's going to be tedious and take a long time, but it actually went rather quick and smooth. The result isn't perfect but that is were practice, and perhaps a better airbrush, come in 🙂
Thank you too Curatorm 🙂
Interesting observation about the swastika and good find with the historical photos, something I'll keep in mind if I'll do this one again.
4 January 2024, 18:04