Merkava III
9 28 February 2012, 18:28

Hello Urban, a great project you will let arise! You make some wonderful effects on the tank and on the tracks. I´ll follow this build😢!
28 February 2012, 18:38

Thanks mate! Still a long way to go before I can put it aside.
8 April 2012, 11:38

Thanks. It's my first try as this is my first modern armour. I've used hamster sand that I got from a pet store.
10 April 2012, 08:35

Hi Urban, looks great! Do you actually have a hamster as a pet ?
11 April 2012, 05:53

Thanks mate! No, I just went to the pet store in search for the smallest grain sand as possible.
11 April 2012, 08:22

I've been able to put down a little bit more work on this build durin' the week.
13 April 2012, 22:20

Ah, the Browning looks great! Only sad to see that the cartridge-window isnt open, but i love the finish!
14 April 2012, 04:33

Thanks mate. I did manage to break the barrel on one of the Gimpys as well...
14 April 2012, 09:23

Thanks mate! The buggerin' decals is in place now. I've never in my life seen decals that have been this bad. Thin, stiff n' brittle at the same time. As you can see on the photos it doesn't look good. Let's see what some Micro Sol followed by some paint can do in order to save the day here.
14 April 2012, 17:43

Stay tuned for the final photos, I've just added the last build photos n' now it's only the final weatherin' that remains before I can set it aside for some natural weatherin'...
17 April 2012, 16:53

Well, the Merkava wasn't unbuildable, it was just strugglin' with me all the way but I did beat it in the end even if I could've done it a bit better. Is the Hind your first 'copter in 1:48?
26 May 2012, 22:29

Fantastic Urban..................I have two projects one will be started soon but cannot make up my mind. The king tiger 1/35 scale by tamiya and the Sukhoi 7 by Oez in 1/48 scale
26 May 2012, 22:43

I've done a UH-60 in 1:35th before..I think the hind just scares me as i've worked myself upto it..
26 May 2012, 22:45

Thanks Sherif, the Tiger II will prove an laid back build without any struggle n' the OEZ will demand a bit more concentration on your behalf. So you'll be able to build the Tiger II while you decide to build the Sukhoi 7 or not.
Augie, then what's the problem? Just grab a fresh #11, do mind what end of it that you crab n' start cuttin' styrene n' you'll be done in a jiffy...
26 May 2012, 22:52

Ha, your quite right urban, just call it nerves.. been looking forward to it 🙂
26 May 2012, 23:03

You know that I have so many kits...........I used to order many from Hannants ( my favourite shop ) and when I travelled during the 80s and 90s. So, i am bloody confused because all are gems........just look at the mighty yamato in 1/350 by tamiya, the or the Nimitz by monogram, the tornado by revell in 1/32 and many more. We always keep buying kits but never gave it a thought if we live long enough to build `em and if we have the space to put `em. Even in 1/72 scale it is still a problem. Not considering the decals, tins of paint, compressor, airbrush, tools brushes, references, pictured and much i nuts? I think so.
26 May 2012, 23:58

that antislip surface is really good. I would like to know how did you apply it. You applied a layer of X-22 and place the sand on top?
beautiful Merkava, by the way.
7 May 2021, 11:34

Thanks mate! Yes, I just brushed X-22 on rather thick and sprinkled chinchilla sand on top of it. You'll find the sand at a pet store.
7 May 2021, 11:38

i got it already (for a Merkava 😉 and maybe for dioramas) but i really like the idea of using X-22 instead of glues for example 🙂
7 May 2021, 12:00

It's so easy to use. But For larger areas I think you at least should add some retarder to it so it stays tacky long enough.
7 May 2021, 12:06

Beawere that there are several grates of chinchila sand. The One you should look for (I think) is the One that is almost a powder, it depends on the several brands. I know because I had several chinchilas...
7 May 2021, 20:49

Yes but not too fine as the anti slip surface on the Merkava II & III was fairly coarse.
7 May 2021, 20:53

As for paint you can most likely use enamel paints as it takes longer to dry and you thus doesn't need to lay it on as thick. You also got more time for a more precise painting of the panels.
7 May 2021, 20:56