Focke Wulf FW 190 A-8
Photo 1 of 5
14 March 2012, 17:16

It looks that it has the additional armour at the fuselage ( Sturmbock). Or is this a wrong impression? Nice build.
14 March 2012, 18:06

Yes looks like more armour at the cockpit-fuselage area! And it doesnt look aerodynamic!
14 March 2012, 19:00

Hallo Christian, Holger
gut beobachtet, es handelt sich tatsächlich um eine Sturmbockvariante aber ohne zusätzlich gepanzerte Frontscheibe.
Musste den Zusatzpanzer scratch machen (Premiere für mich)
War ein alter Limited-Bausatz von Hase den ich mal günstig erstehen konnte.
Decals kosteten mich einige graue Haare.
Gruss Christian
15 March 2012, 07:19

Nice build Focke Wolf Christian, you've got grey hair, I lost mine already 🙂,
Greetz Phil
15 March 2012, 09:49

excellent paint job. i have to do FW-190 one day, specially to forget what i did with one 20+ years ago 😄
11 April 2017, 14:01
Album info
Hasegawa, 1/72