AS-532 U2
31 5 January 2013, 19:47

Amazing job, as usual another precious little kit from your stash!
I am a fan of your helis 🙂
5 January 2013, 19:57

Terrific job with attention to detail down to the color codes on the main rotor hub parts. Excelent 👍
6 January 2013, 08:42

Hi Ronan,
I am always impressed when I look at your Helicopter models!
They are always built very clean, and your style of texturing of these small models is very impressive.
You have a very nice method, to improve the contours of your models!
Would you tell more about this model? I was looking for a WIP threat but could n`t find something.......
7 January 2013, 14:25

Thank you for congratulations.
I use spanish modellers painting techniques learnt in the J.m Villalba books.
The model is the Italeri AS-532 1/72 , and i added some scratch details like the new tail boom, exhausts, chaffs dispensers, IR sensors ... the rear rotor comes from nh90 revell kit, the bulbed windows from sea king revell.... i will post some pictures in the album of building step by step if you want .
7 January 2013, 17:03

Yess, that`s it!!
Now it reminds me!!! 🙂
I know Villalbas techniques and yours comes very close!! Great stuff! Wish I could paint so....
I`m a still fan of spanish and italian paint schools!! 🙂
"Euromodelismo" is one of my favorite required reading!
A short step by step of this little gem would be great!
Thx !
7 January 2013, 17:12

Love the strong colors.Excelent!
Time to expand my horizon an buy as fast as i can a Book from J.M Villalba.
7 January 2013, 18:57

i recommend " F.A.Q : frequently asked questions about techniques used for constructing & painting aircraft". it's my bedside book.
7 January 2013, 19:12

Hi Ronan
Exactly this Book is on my Book list next 🙂
7 January 2013, 19:45

Very nice. Do you pre-shade, or how do you get your rivets to stand out?
7 January 2013, 20:16

Hi Austin,
I don't preshade because after applying the three main colours you don't see the preshading any more. So i first apply the main colours and after i apply heavy diluted h342 OIL from gunze on the panel lines and rivets lines.
After a Klear (future ) varnish i apply diluted black ( from Prince Agust ) on the rivet lines with a brush and removing excess paint with a wet cotton. I use black on clear areas and blue gray on black areas.
7 January 2013, 21:43

Ronan, holy sh...!! I know some Dutch Cougar pilots (and crew/ground crew) who wil really love this one! Awesome job - best Dutch Cougar I've seen so far!
27 February 2017, 12:57

Many thanks !
@Bart : i will add some daylignt pixes for you and your Dutch friends😉
27 February 2017, 21:28

Haha, yes please do! Unfortunately the RNLAF Cougars and Chinooks look terrible these days: multiple spray-layers because everything wears out. The 'new' plain grey scheme on the Cougars turn into black, very hard to keep them clean. Interesting paintjob for modelers, though...😉
28 February 2017, 10:57

Great job indeed! A Dutch Cougar is unfortunately not seen often in scale. Yours is perfect Ronan. Very impressive 👍
28 February 2017, 15:19

Thanks mates 🙂
@Bart : yes the grey scheme is very nice but get so dirty, i've seen one of them last year on Evreux air base. The french C160 transall are aslo very inetresting for modellers... 50 shades of grey 😄
28 February 2017, 20:09

Haha, this one is much, much better! Still trying to figure out your 'shading' technique. Really looks great with all these subtle hi-lights!
31 October 2018, 10:26

@Bart Meeldijk : i need to make room in my showcase, do you think it's possible to offer my cougar model to the dutch cougar squadron ?
You could ask cougar pilots if they are interested ?
10 September 2019, 20:50

300 Sqn would love that kit in their cabinet. I'll shoot you a PM later on.
11 September 2019, 18:10

Hi Patrick,
the kit will go to the Netherlands next month 😉
i've seen the 300 Sqn crew this morning
14 June 2021, 16:07

Hi Ronan! That's awesome! How did you like Gilze-Rijen Air Base?
14 June 2021, 16:14

I haven't been to Gilze-Rijen Air Base, they were in France : 3 cougars ans 3 chinook. They Come back for a fuel stop on july the 2nd during the Come back trip 😄
14 June 2021, 19:28

Fantastic work as always Ronan! And very cool it will end up at the squadron!
16 June 2021, 17:11

Cool! I wish all affected a safe flight back (to a new) home! 👍
29 June 2021, 19:01

Hi guys,
that's it, my cougar has gone to the Netherlands this afternoon 😉 in a real cougar of the 300 Sqn
2 July 2021, 15:00

Cool!!! 😄 I'll have a look at it when I visit 300 in the future.
2 July 2021, 15:21

The squadron leader told me he will display the model in the squadron showcase and he will send me the picture 😉
2 July 2021, 15:30

I'm glad I got to do it, everything turned out as I imagined 👍
Really happy 😉
14 July 2021, 16:44
Album info
Netherlands cougar