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Pascal GARAT (pg265)

Old builds

Photo 1 of 25


3 February 2013, 14:22
Mike Kryza
Old builds??;) - Well done!! 👍
 3 February 2013, 15:36
Pascal GARAT Szerző
Thank you Mike.
 3 February 2013, 16:25
Burkhard D
Awesome, Pascal. 👍 The faded look of the Corsair is superb.
 3 February 2013, 18:57
Mike Kryza
Hi Pascal - I hope there will come more in the future 😉 - But don't hurry...
 3 February 2013, 19:33
Christian Meyerhoff
Awaysome work! Like all of it!
 3 February 2013, 20:13
Luc B
Bonsoir Pascal! Very nice collection
 3 February 2013, 20:55
Pascal GARAT Szerző
Thanks a lot for nice comments.
 6 February 2013, 06:10
Greg Solomon
You do nice work Pascal! I love your darkend panel lines and clean paint/decals! That kit has so much great detail compared to the Lindberg kit... well, there is no comparison... the Lindberg kit model is really a plastic blob shaped somewhat like a SkyRay. I can't wait to build a nice kit!!!
 22 February 2013, 23:52
Bill Gilman
Absolutely love the Ford! What a great job! 🙂
 23 February 2013, 01:31
They are all great builds but I love the Stingray !
 23 February 2013, 10:42
Pascal GARAT Szerző
Thanks a lot for all the kind comments 😉
 6 March 2013, 19:15
Urban Gardini
F4D is the only Ford that I do like but then I do like it a lot...
 6 March 2013, 19:39
Steve Schlager
 7 March 2013, 00:58
Michel Huijghe
Nice Ford. 🙂
 7 March 2013, 07:29
Holger Kranich
3 absolute gorgeous models! Congrats for them!
 7 March 2013, 07:33
Steve Wilson
Excellent Pascal🙂🙂🙂
 7 March 2013, 07:35
Stefan Suessemilch
Very nice job Pascal! By the way.... please be careful showing pics with your full adress 😉
 7 March 2013, 09:05
Pascal GARAT Szerző
Thanks Stefan 😉
This address is not available anymore, but you're right, I must be more prudent in the future.
Thanks a lot for all your nice comments.
 7 March 2013, 14:39
Pascal GARAT Szerző
Pics of really old builds added.
Sorry for the very poor quality due to the fact that these are scans o "real pics" 😳
 4 June 2013, 12:08
Stefan Suessemilch
C'est tres bien Pascal!! 👍 Perfect builds... the pics give them a "historic" touch 😉
 4 June 2013, 13:07
Alan Rush
Nice collection from a range of topics!
 8 June 2014, 03:51

Album info

1/48 Planes, Cars & Bikes.
Really old builds for the Cars & Bikes pics: Scans of real pics... 😳

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