17. Militärmodellbauausstellung im Panzermuseum Munster
Photo 1 of 92
22 May 2013, 12:53

Ist schon erstaunlich, Holger wie Du dich hinter Frank verkrochen hast! 😉
22 May 2013, 14:08

And the event page of the Munster exhibition has grown tremendously. Whoever wants to know, if Munster is worth a visit, he/she just can look here:
(0., )
22 May 2013, 14:11

Great pictures, thanks for sharing.
It's cool to put a face with some of the names.
22 May 2013, 15:46

Looks like you had some fun last sunday! Holger looks like he worked on his tan recently too - unless it's from too much airbrushing dunkelgelb 🙂
Thanks for the photos !
22 May 2013, 16:05

Wunderful, great pictures! Nt only the exhibition also to see some mates! Thanks a lot for sharing!!
22 May 2013, 16:05

Restliche Bilder sind hochgeladen. Viel Spaß dabei. Ich denke es ist auch nett mal die Gesichter der "Mates" zu sehen. (Hope you enjoy the pics. I think it's interesting to see faces of some mates too. 😉 (-Transl. by Mike-)
23 May 2013, 17:02