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Łukasz Gliński (Woody)

Avia BH-3

Photo 1 of 8


2 30 June 2013, 19:24
Frank Krause
Wow, what a project! Are you going to build an airport with all these planes?
 30 June 2013, 19:47
Łukasz Gliński Szerző
Not really 🙂 , but I always wanted to have all of them, since I was a kid
 1 July 2013, 10:41
Philip De Keyser
Great start Lukasz 😉 i don't see the Sukhoi Su 22m?
 1 July 2013, 11:30
Łukasz Gliński Szerző
Wasn't the Sukhoi 22 made by KP only in 48 scale?
 1 July 2013, 18:27
Łukasz Gliński Szerző
The project is going on for some time now, but I just discovered scalemates lately this year. Currently BH-3 is done (as can be seen in the gallery), B.534 is done, but in PL markings (will upload soon) and C-3A is waiting for new decals as the orignal ones have the colors bit blurry.
 1 July 2013, 18:30

Album info

KP Avia BH-3 1/72
painting: Revell Aqua Colour & Gunze Hobby (propeller)
decals: HR Model
windscreen: scratchmade

8 képek
1:72 Avia BH-3 (KP 22)1:72 Czechoslovak Insignia 1922-1926 (HR Model HRD7205)
Avia BH-3
CSK Československé letectvo (Czechoslovak Air Force 1918-1939)
Učiliště pro letectvo (Air Force School) B.3.5
1924 - Cheb

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