Willys in peril
Photo 1 of 19
1 12 November 2014, 22:39

Great work on the dio Anthony, look forward to the finished product.
29 November 2014, 06:30

Thanks! Off to the hobby shop to match the mud colors, have to bring my boy to help, really sucks building models when your color blind.
29 November 2014, 17:47

Thank you Choppa. Still cant get the tracks to sag. But I like my homemade tow cables lol.
29 November 2014, 21:10

Need some constructive criticism on tow cable color and scale, getting the MFTRACKS to do something besides looking like a rubber band and gun washing. And anything else I am missing, thanks in advance!
4 December 2014, 15:52

You could try tying the tracks with thread to the bogies, and then cover with "mud". Actually in real life I believe the track WAS a giant rubber band, lol. I work with similar steel cables and although some are "stainless" once abrased they will oxidize. I would just weather it with browns, tans, and a brown/black wash....and after maybe pick a couple of points out with gunmetal or a graphite pencil...it looks great! 🙂
4 December 2014, 22:50

..for the guns I usually start with black, drybrush steel, then a bunch of washes of gunmetal, aluminum, etc until something looks good and I stop! lol
4 December 2014, 22:52