JU 87 Airfix
25 February 2015, 00:31

Thanks John it's an old kit but went together quite well. It was my first attempt at a dio so glad you like it.
25 February 2015, 08:23

Thanks Christian i'm tempted to go to the air brush but I like the challenge of getting a finish with the brushes.
25 February 2015, 09:53

Michael I ask you a suggest: how do you avoid the lines in relief that form when use the masking tape?
25 February 2015, 15:43

. I painted the whole of the upper surface of model in the light green to a finish. then I do the first coat of the dark green with the masking tape and remove the masking tape about a half hour after painting then free hand the second coat. I keep the coats thin so some times I need to do three but would free hand the second and third coats. Hope that helps Cristian.
25 February 2015, 16:30

Micheal thanks for the suggestion: it will be me useful for the ju87 "picchiatello" that I must start
25 February 2015, 17:17
Album info
The previous Airfix kit. I liked this and it wasn't a bad build but haven seen the new kit well Airfix have really stepped up their standards so hopefully I'll get around to doing the new one as well. This is hand painted.